Data Analysts
Data analysts help process and report on contact center data. There are six places within Workforce Optimization where you can analyze data:
- Standard QM reports
- Standard WFM reports
- Data Explorer
- Insights
- Provider Analytics
- WFM Performance Manager
See Overview of reporting in Workforce Optimization for more information about each option and which ones best meet your needs.
QM and WFM standard reports
Data Explorer
Data Explorer is usually the best tool for analyzing data because it gathers information across Workforce Optimization, including QM, WFM, and Analytics. Data Explorer reports on the last two years of data.

- Manage the list of Data Explorer dashboards and reports
- View the standard Data Explorer dashboards
- Set your homepage
- Copy a report or dashboard
- Share reports and dashboards
- Set up report email delivery
- Manage report email delivery
- Tag reports and dashboards with roles
- Search the asset browser by tag
- Export a report

- Create your own reports with Data Explorer
- Create a question
- Create a custom measure
- Create a custom measure with a Formula Type assistant
- Create a view
- Configure the report’s default sort
- Configure a measure’s appearance
- About content attributes
- Configure enterprise KPIs
- Data Explorer formula language reference
- Data Explorer quick start guide: Build a report on Analytics phrase hits
- Data Explorer quick start guide: Build a report on Analytics phrase hits by agent
- Create groups to share information
Insights replaces Data Explorer as the premium analysis and reporting tool for Workforce Optimization. Contact your Provider account manager for more information about moving to Insights.

- Add calculations
- Adding calculated fields
- Order of evaluation in Insights
- Using level-aware calculations in Insights

- Functions
- addDateTime
- addWorkDays
- Abs
- Ceil
- Coalesce
- Concat
- contains
- decimalToInt
- dateDiff
- endsWith
- epochDate
- Exp
- Extract
- Floor
- formatDate
- Ifelse
- in
- intToDecimal
- isNotNull
- isNull
- isWorkDay
- Left
- Locate
- Log
- Ln
- Ltrim
- Mod
- netWorkDays
- Now
- notIn
- nullIf
- parseDate
- parseDecimal
- parseInt
- parseJson
- Replace
- Right
- Round
- Rtrim
- Split
- Sqrt
- startsWith
- Strlen
- Substring
- switch
- toLower
- toString
- toUpper
- trim
- truncDate

- Aggregate functions
- avg
- avgIf
- count
- countIf
- distinct_count
- distinct_countIf
- max
- maxIf
- median
- medianIf
- min
- minIf
- percentile
- percentileCont
- percentileDisc (percentile)
- periodToDateAvg
- periodToDateCount
- periodToDateMax
- periodToDateMedian
- periodToDateMin
- periodToDatePercentile
- periodToDatePercentileCont
- periodToDateStDev
- periodToDateStDevP
- periodToDateSum
- periodToDateVar
- stdev
- stdevp
- stdevIf
- stdevpIf
- sum
- sumIf
- var
- varIf
- varp
- varpIf

- Table calculation functions
- Difference
- distinctCountOver
- Lag
- Lead
- percentDifference
- avgOver
- countOver
- maxOver
- minOver
- percentileOver
- percentileContOver
- percentileDiscOver
- percentOfTotal
- periodOverPeriodDifference
- periodOverPeriodLastValue
- periodOverPeriodPercentDifference
- periodToDateAvgOverTime
- periodToDateCountOverTime
- periodToDateMaxOverTime
- periodToDateMinOverTime
- periodToDateSumOverTime
- stdevOver
- stdevpOver
- varOver
- varpOver
- sumOver
- denseRank
- Rank
- percentileRank
- runningAvg
- runningCount
- runningMax
- runningMin
- runningSum
- firstValue
- lastValue
- windowAvg
- windowCount
- windowMax
- windowMin
- windowSum

Working with interactive sheets in Insights
Arrange visuals in an interactive dashboard
Work with items on sheets in Insights analyses
Visual types in Insights
- Use AutoGraph
- Use bar charts
- Use box plots
- Use combo charts
- Use custom visual content
- Use donut charts
- Use funnel charts
- Use gauge charts
- Use heat maps
- Use histograms
- Use KPIs
- Use line charts
Use pivot tables
Formatting in Insights
- Axes and grid lines on visual types in Insights
- Colors in visual types in Insights
- Working with field-level coloring in Insights
- Conditional formatting on visual types in Insights
- Font and style on visual types in Insights
- KPI options
- Formatting visual numeric data based on language settings in Insights
- Legends on visual types in Insights
- Line and marker styling on line charts in Insights
- Missing data on visual types in Insights
- Reference lines on visual types in Insights
- Format radar charts in Insights
- Range and scale on visual types in Insights
- Small multiples axis options
- Titles and subtitles on visual types in Insights
- Tooltips on visual types in Insights

- Creating autonarratives with Insights
- Insights that include autonarratives
- Working with the expression editor screen and menus
- Adding URLs
- Walkthrough: Use the narrative expression editor

- Working with autonarrative computations
- Bottom movers computation
- Bottom ranked computation
- ML-powered forecasting
- Growth rate computation
- Maximum computation
- Metric comparison computation
- Minimum computation
- Period over period computation
- Period to date computation
- Top movers computation
- Top ranked computation
- Total aggregation computation
- Unique values computation

- WFM Adherence dataset
- WFM Adherence Details dataset
- WFM Agent Queue Stats dataset
- WFM Agent Skills dataset
- WFM Agent Stats dataset
- WFM Forecast Skill vs Schedule dataset
- WFM Forecast Workload dataset
- WFM Hourly Availability dataset
- WFM People dataset
- WFM Queue Stats dataset
- WFM Requests dataset
- WFM Schedule Deviation dataset
- WFM Schedule Preferences dataset
- WFM Scheduled Agent Days dataset
- WFM Scheduled Agent Time dataset
Workforce Optimization Analytics processes data about the speech and text content of contacts and about programs agents use while handling contacts.

- Analytics dashboards overview
- Create and manage a data set
- Create and manage an Analytics widget
- Create and manage an Analytics dashboard
- Filter data on the Analytics dashboard
- Customize your Analytics dashboard
- About Trending Topics
- View automated evaluation scores
- About the Auto QM evaluation criteria
WFM Performance Manager
Performance Manager allows on-premise WFM customers to create their own WFM-only reports.