Create and manage an Analytics widget

There are four types of Analytics widgets: chart, data grid, text, and phrase cloud. Each type of widget displays the data defined in a data set. You can customize your Analytics dashboards by creating and arranging widgets to your liking.


  • Your organization has either the Desktop Analytics license or the full Analytics license.
  • You have the View System Analytics permission.
  • You have created a data set (see Create and manage a data set).

Page location

Analytics > Analytics Dashboard


Add a widget to your dashboard

  1. Display the dashboard to which you want to add a widget.
  2. Click Unlock to enable the Add Widget button, and then click Add Widget.
  3. Choose which type of widget to add.
  4. Configure the settings for your selected widget type (see Chart Settings, Data Grid Settings, Text Settings, and Phrase Cloud Settings).
  5. Click Save.

You can move and resize the widgets on your dashboard. When you move them (click and hold while the mouse pointer is positioned in the widget toolbar), red lines appear to help you align the widget you are moving with other widgets nearby. Resize widgets by clicking and dragging the lower right corner of the widget.

Each widget has a toolbar:

1—Settings. Edit the widget settings
2—CSV Export. Export the data from the widget to a CSV format file
3—Print. Print an image of the widget
4—Delete. Delete the widget
5—Full Screen. Toggles the widget between its normal size and full-screen size

Chart Settings

When you select the Chart type for a widget, you must configure the following fields in the Chart Settings dialog box.

Data Grid Settings

When you select the Data Grid type for a widget, you must configure the following fields in the Data Grid Settings dialog box.

Text Settings

When you select the Text type for a widget, you must configure the following fields in the Text Settings dialog box.

Phrase Cloud Settings

A phrase cloud is a visual representation of phrases. This format is useful for quickly identifying the most prominent phrases by font size and color.

Displaying widget details

The widget Details pane displays a data grid that contains the data that is the source of the graphic representation. You open the Details pane by clicking on an item or data point within the widget, or by clicking the Full Screen Toggle button in the toolbar and then the Details button at the top of the widget pane.

NOTE   A data grid widget displays the same information that the Details pane contains. You can drill down into that information just as you can in the Details pane.

The initial data grid displays general details. To view more specific details, double-click a row to drill down into the information. Breadcrumbs are added at the top left of the Details pane to help you navigate back to where you started. The Home icon brings you to the initial data grid view.

The Setting icon next to the breadcrumb trail opens a configuration window where you can select the data you want displayed in the Details pane.

Notifying users of non-approved application usage

You can send an email notifying one or more people regarding the use of a non-approved application or website. When you drill down far enough in the Details pane to show the agent detail grid containing the Application Label column, there is an email icon next to a link naming the application or website in question.

Click the Email icon to display an email form. The body of the email contains the following information:

  • A statement indicating that an unapproved application or document was used
  • The name of the agent
  • The date and time that the application was accessed
  • The names of the application and document
  • A URL to the application usage issue in Agent Explorer
  • (Optional) Your comments

NOTE   Click the link in the Application Label column to navigate to Agent Explorer for the date and time the application was accessed.

Enter one or more email addresses, append any comments you might have to the end of the message, and then click OK to send the notification out.