Use donut charts
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Use donut charts to compare values for items in a dimension. The best use for this type of chart is to show a percentage of a total amount.
Each wedge in a donut chart represents one value in a dimension. The size of the wedge represents the proportion of the value for the selected measure that the item represents compared to the whole for the dimension. Donut charts are best when precision isn't important and there are few items in the dimension.
Donut charts show up to 20 data points for group or color. For more information about how Insights handles data that falls outside display limits, see the “Display limits” section in Visual types in Insights.
Create a donut chart
- Click Visualize (the bar chart icon in the tool bar). The Visuals panel opens.
- Click Add.
Click the Donut chart icon.
- Drag a dimension from the Data panel into the Group/Color field well.
- (Optional) To display the division of dimension values by a metric value, drag a measure into the Value field well.
- (Optional) To add drill-down layers, drag at least one more field from the Data panel into the Group/Color field wells. For more information about adding drill-downs, see Adding drill-downs to visual data in Insights.
Donut chart features
The following table lists the actions you can do with donut charts.
Feature | Supported? | Comments | For more information |
Change the legend display | Yes | Legends on visual types in Insights | |
Change the title display | Yes | Titles and subtitles on visual types in Insights | |
Change the axis range | Not applicable | Range and scale on visual types in Insights | |
Change the visual colors | Yes | Colors in visual types in Insights | |
Focus on or exclude elements | Yes, with exceptions | You can focus on or exclude a wedge in a donut chart unless you are using a date field as a dimension. In that case, you can only focus on a wedge, not exclude it. | |
Sort | Yes | You can sort on the field that you choose for the value or the group or color. | Sort pivot tables in Insights |
Perform field aggregation | Yes | You must apply aggregation to the field that you choose for the value. You cannot apply aggregation to the field that you choose for group or color. | Changing field aggregation |
Add drill-downs | Yes | You can add drill-down levels to the Group/Color field well. | Adding drill-downs to visual data in Insights |
Choose size | Yes | You can choose how thick the donut chart is: small, medium, or large. | Format a visual in Insights |
Show totals | Yes | You can choose to display or hide the aggregate of the Value field. By default, this displays the total count of the Group/Color field or the total sum of the Value field. | Format a visual in Insights |
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