Recording Events dataset

The Recording Events dataset contains the following data:


Data field Definition
Associated Call ID

The ID of other contacts associated with the contact in question. This is used to display associated calls on the Interactions page so that various legs of the same customer contact can be viewed together.

Calling Number The automatic number identification (ANI) for a call. In other words, ANI identifies the number of the calling party.
Contact Duration (s) The duration of the call from time answered to time dropped, in seconds.
Contact Hold Time (s) The duration of time when the call was placed on hold, in seconds.
Contact Holds The number of hold events per contact.
Contact ID The unique identifier for every interaction.
Contact Pause Time (s) The number of seconds that the recording process was paused.
Contact Pauses The number of times that the recording process was paused.

Contact Silence Time (s)

The number of seconds when neither the agent nor the customer was speaking on the call.

Contact Silences

The number of times that neither the agent nor the customer was speaking on the call.

Contact Start Time

The date and time this contact began, in GMT (UTC)

Contact Start Timezone

The timezone that the contact occurred in, as determined by the ACD.

Contact Talkover Time (s)

The number of seconds when multiple people were talking on the call at the same time.

Contact Talkovers

The number of times when multiple people spoke at the same time on the call.

Contact Type ID

The unique reference ID for the type of contact.

Contact Type Name

Group contacts together by type, such as Call or Email.

Contact Was Held

Whether or not the contact was placed on hold. 1 = yes, 0 = no.

Contact Was Paused

Whether or not the process of recording the contact was paused. 1 = yes, 0 = no.


A distinct count of unique contacts.

Contacts Put On Hold

A count of the number of contacts where hold events occur

Contacts Taken

A count of the number of contacts that were answered

Has Screen

Whether or not the contact has a screen recording. 1= yes, 0 = no.

Has Voice

Whether or not the contact has an audio recording. 1 = yes, 0 = no.


The Workforce Optimization database ID of an ICM call.

Inbound Contacts

A count of the number of contacts that were inbound

Is Calibration

Whether or not the contact had a calibration performed on it. 1 = yes, 0 = no.

Is Inbound

Whether or not a call was inbound to the contact center. 1 = yes, 0 = no.


Whether or not the contact is marked for HR. 1 = yes, 0 = no.

Is Reconciled

Whether or not a contact has gone through the reconciliation process to match the audio and screen recordings. 1 = yes, 0 = no.

Is Training

Whether or not a contact is marked for training. 1 = yes, 0 = no.


The extension where the call took place.

Number Called

The dialed number identification server (DNIS) for the call. In other words the called number.

Outbound Contacts

A count of the number of contacts that were outbound

Recording Type ID

The Workforce Optimization database ID for the recording type.

Time To Answer (s)

Milliseconds from the startTime until the agent answered the incoming call.

Was Answered

Whether or not the call was answered. 1 = yes, 0 = no.

Custom Data

Data field Definition
Custom Data 01 to Custom Data 20

Custom Data fields are unique to your organization. These fields allow reporting on metadata defined in Workforce Optimization. Up to 20 Custom Data fields can be identified by assigning a key to the metadata field on the Metadata Manager page. See Manage custom metadata fields.

Custom Data Fields are stored as text data, regardless of whether they contain a number, a date, time, or text. To use these in a formula, you may need to convert their field data type.

Evaluation State

Data field Definition
Evaluation State ID The Workforce Optimization database ID for the evaluation state.

Evaluation State Name

The current evaluation state of a customer contact record.

Net Promoter Score

Data field Definition
NPS The computed Net Promoter Score where results can range from -100 to 100
NPS Cohort Groups all NPS responses as Detractors, Passives, and Promoters.

NPS Detractors

The total number of survey responses with an NPS result between 0–6 inclusive.

NPS Passives

The total number of survey responses with an NPS result of 7–8 inclusive.

NPS Promoters

The total number of survey responses with an NPS result of 9–10 inclusive.

NPS Response

A response score from 0–10 used in calculating the Net Promoter Score.


Data field Definition
Group Deactivated Date The date that the group was deactivated in the system.
Group ID The Workforce Optimization database ID for the group. This ID can be helpful if your organization has multiple groups with the same name.
Group Name The display name for a collection of teams.
Is Group Active

Whether or not a group is active in Workforce Optimization. 1 = yes, 0 = no.

Is Team Active Whether or not a team is active in Workforce Optimization. 1 = yes, 0 = no.

Realm ID

The Workforce Optimization database ID for the Provider realm that the tenant is in.

Team Deactivated Date The date when the team was deactivated in Workforce Optimization.

Team ID

The Workforce Optimization database ID for the team.

Team Name

The display name for the collection of agents.

Tenant ID

The Workforce Optimization database ID for the tenant.


Data field Definition

The Workforce Optimization database ID of the agent’s ACD system.

ACD Login ID

The Workforce Optimization database ID of the agent’s username for logging in to the ACD system.

AD Login The agent’s username for logging in to the ACD.
Agent Rank A number that indicates agent seniority.
Department Start Date The hire date of the agent in the department, which indicates seniority.
Email The user's email address.
Employee ID The Workforce Optimization database ID of the employee.
First Name The user's first name.

Full Name

The user's full name.

Full Time Equivalent ID

The Workforce Optimization database ID for the agent's FTE designation. For example, the ID for “.6 FTE.” This field comes from Classic WFM.

Is Agent

Whether or not the person is an agent. 1 = yes, 0 = no.

Is Enabled For Scheduling

Whether or not a person can be scheduled in WFM. 1 = yes, 0 = no.

Is Hotdesk Default User

Whether or not the person is a hotdesk default user. 1 = yes, 0 = no.

Is Person Active

Whether or not a user’s account is active in Workforce Optimization. 1 = yes, 0 = no.

Is Tenant Owner

Whether or not the user is an administrator for their organization’s Workforce Optimization account. 1 = yes, 0 = no.

Last Name

The user's last name.

Person Activated Date

The date that the person was activated in the system.

Person Deactivated Date

The date that the person was deactivated in the system.

Person ID

The Workforce Optimization database ID for the person. This field can be helpful if your organization has multiple people with the same name.

Person Locale

The two-letter code for the language the person is using in Workforce Optimization. For example, EN = English.

Person Peripheral ID

The Workforce Optimization database ID of the person's extension in the ACD.

Person Scheduling End Date

The last day that an agent is scheduled for in Workforce Optimization.

Person Scheduling Start Date

The first day that an agent was scheduled for in Workforce Optimization.

Person Timezone

The user's timezone. For example, America / Chicago.

Staffing Group ID

The Workforce Optimization database ID of the staffing group.

WFM Agent ID

The agent’s ID from WFM. This field currently comes from Classic WFM only. We recommend using the Person ID or Is Agent fields instead.

Predictive Scores

Data field Definition
Predictive NPS Computed predictive NPS scores - range from -100 to 100.
Predictive NPS Cohort Groups all Predictive NPS responses as Detractors, Passives, and Promoters.
Predictive NPS Detractors Total predicted survey responses scored 0-6 inclusive.
Predictive NPS Passives Total predicted survey responses scored 7-8 inclusive.
Predictive NPS Promoters Total predicted survey responses scored 9-10 inclusive.
Predictive NPS Response Raw predictive NPS score responses.
Predictive Quality Score Predicted evaluation score.

Recording Event

Data field Definition
Contact Offset The offset from the start of the contact when the comment was created.
Hold Contact Time Fraction The fraction of the call that was hold time. For example, .06.
Hold Duration (s) The number of seconds that the call was placed on hold.
Paused Contact Time Fraction The fraction of the contact where the recording of the call was paused. For example, .06 means that 6% of the contact is paused time.
Paused Duration (s) Length of time, in seconds, that calls were in a paused state
Recording Event Created Date Date and time at which a recording event occurred.
Recording Event Duration (ms) The amount of time in milliseconds of a recording event such as talk-over, silences, holds, or desktop analytics events.

Recording Event Duration (s)

The amount of time in seconds of a recording event such as talk-over, silences, holds, or desktop analytics events. Recorded in seconds, displayed in hours, minutes, seconds formatting.

Recording Event ID

The Workforce Optimization database ID for the instance of a single recording event.

Recording Event Type ID

The Workforce Optimization database ID for the recording event type, such as pause or hold.

Recording Event Type Name

The display name for recording events such as pause or hold.


Data field Definition
Contacts with Negative Sentiment Count of Contact IDs with negative sentiment score.
Contacts with Negative Sentiment (%) Percentage of Contact IDs with a negative sentiment score among those Contacts with a sentiment score.
Contacts with Neutral Sentiment Count of Contact IDs with a neutral sentiment score.

Contacts with Positive Sentiment

Count of Contact IDs with a positive sentiment score.

Contacts with Positive Sentiment (%) Percentage of Contact IDs with a positive sentiment score among those Contacts with a sentiment score.
Contacts with Sentiment Count of Contact IDs with a sentiment score.

Predictive Sentiment Channel A

In a call with two audio streams, the predicted sentiment for the person in channel A.

Predictive Sentiment Channel B

In a call with two audio streams, the predicted sentiment for the person in channel B.

Sentiment Cohort Groups all sentiment scores into Positive, Negative, or Neutral.
Sentiment Score A decimal value that represents the sentiment of the contact. For example, -.33 or .56.


Data field Definition

The Workforce Optimization database ID for the person. This field can be helpful if your organization has multiple people with the same name.


The Workforce Optimization database ID for the Provider realm that the tenant is in.


The Workforce Optimization database ID for the team.


The Workforce Optimization database ID for the tenant.