Analytics dashboards overview

The Analytics page is a dashboard that displays data about your desktop, speech, and text contacts. You can use the default dashboard, another user’s shared dashboard, or your own custom dashboards. Each dashboard’s widgets display data based on your role and the data sets you define. Your access to dashboards depends on your assigned permissions.

If your administrator has configured Analytics to allow dashboard sharing, you can designate any dashboard you create as one that can be shared by other users. Those users can view your dashboard (populated with data that pertains to them) but they cannot edit it. Only you can edit your shared dashboard.

The general process for configuring a dashboard is as follows:

  1. Create a new dashboard.
  2. Create data sets for the dashboard.
  3. Create and add widgets to the dashboard.
  4. (Optional) Share your new dashboard with others.


  • Your organization has either the Desktop Analytics license or the full Analytics license.
  • You have at least one of the following permissions:
    • View Analytics
    • View Desktop Analytics
    • View Speech Analytics
    • View Speech to Text Analytics
    • View System Analytics
    • View System Metrics
    • View Text Analytics
  • Desktop sharing is enabled (optional)
  • Analytics data collection is configured in Application Management on the Task Manager, Phrase Manager, Desktop Manager, Field Manager, and Analytics Configuration pages.

Page location

Analytics > Analytics Dashboard


Select an existing dashboard to view

  • Click the Dashboards button on the Analytics toolbar and select an existing dashboard from the resulting list.

Create and work with dashboards

Related topics

Customize your Analytics dashboard