Use gauge charts

Use gauge charts to compare values for items in a measure. You can compare them to another measure or to a custom amount.

A gauge chart is similar to a nondigital gauge, for example a gas gauge in an automobile. It displays how much there is of the thing you are measuring. In a gauge chart, this measurement can exist alone or in relation to another measurement. Each color section in a gauge chart represents one value.


  • You have the Insights Author license.

Page location

Insights > Analyses > Click an analysis


Create a gauge chart

  1. Click Visualize (the bar chart icon in the tool bar). The Visuals panel opens.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Click the Gauge chart icon.

  4. Drag a dimension from the Data panel into the Value field well.
  5. (Optional) To compare two measures, drag another measure into the Target Value field well. If you want to compare a single measure to a target value that isn't in your dataset, you can use a calculated field that contains a fixed value.
  6. (Optional) To customize how the gauge chart looks, expand Gauge options in the Properties panel (left side of the page). The following options are available:

    • Value displayed—Hide value, display actual value, or display a comparison of two values
    • Comparison method—Compare values as a percent, the actual difference between values, or difference as a percent
    • Axis style

      • Range—The numeric minimum and maximum range to display in the gauge chart
      • Reserve padding (%)—Added to the top of the range (target, actual value, or max)
    • Arc style—Degrees the arc displays (180° to 360°)
    • Thickness—Thickness of the arc (small, medium, or large)
    • Primary value font size—Automatically selected by Insights, or sizes from extra small to extra large

Gauge chart features

The following table lists the actions you can do with gauge charts.

Feature Supported? Comments For more information
Change the legend display Yes   Legends on visual types in Insights
Change the title display Yes   Titles and subtitles on visual types in Insights
Format gauge Yes You can customize the value displayed, the comparison method, the axis style, the arc style, and the thickness of the gauge.  
Change the axis range No    
Change the visual colors Yes The foreground color the filled area; it represents the Value. The background color the unfilled area; it represents the Target value if one is selected. Colors in visual types in Insights
Focus on or exclude elements No    
Sort No   Sorting visual data in Insights
Perform field aggregation Yes   Changing field aggregation
Add drill-downs No    

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