Play contacts


  • You have the View Contacts permission.
  • Some panels in the Media Player require additional permissions, data, or Workforce Optimization features. See the topics listed in the “Related topics” section below for more information.

Page location

Interactions > Double-click a contact

You can also open the Media Player by clicking a contact in one of these locations:

  • The Agent Explorer page
  • The Transcription Search page
  • In the Details pane of an Analytics widget
  • In Data Explorer

If you try to open a contact that is stored in Amazon Glacier, a window opens asking you to restore the media files required to play the recording.

  • To retrieve the contact, click Restore.
  • To dismiss the window without restoring the contact, click OK.


Play a contact

Click Play.

Play the contact faster or slower

Select a speed from the Playback Speed drop-down.

Zoom in on a contact

Click the Zoom In icon to see more detail in the Audio, Sentiment, Phrase Hits, and Desktop panels.

Click the Zoom Out icon to return to the original level of detail.

View associated contacts

Click the Next and Previous icons to move to contacts related to the one currently open.

Shrink the Media Player

Click the Compact View icon to make the Media Player smaller and reveal the Interactions page.

Click the Full View icon to return to the full-size Media Player.

View information about the agent who handled the contact

Click Profile Card.

This card lists the agent’s roles, group, team, skill mappings, and the following statistics:

  • Net Reputation Score—A number that quantifies how positively or negatively the agent affected your contact center in the last 30 days. Scores range from 1.00 to −1.00, with 1.00 being the most positive and −1.00 being the most negative. Workforce Optimization calculates this score according to the following formula:

    (A ÷ C) − (B ÷ C) = Net Reputation Score


    A = The number of the agent’s contacts in the last 30 days with a positive sentiment score
    B = The number of the agent’s contacts in the last 30 days with a negative sentiment score
    C = The number of the agent’s contacts in the last 30 days with any sentiment score: positive, negative, or neutral

  • Average Predictive NPS—The agent’s average predictive net promoter score (NPS) over the past 30 days. Workforce Optimization calculates this average according to the following formula:

    A ÷ B = Average Predictive NPS


    A = Total of all predictive NPS scores given to the agent’s contacts in the last 30 days
    B = The number of the agent’s contacts in the last 30 days with a predictive NPS score

  • Completed Customer contacts—How many contacts the agent handled in the last 30 days.

    NOTE   This number might not match the number of contacts you see for the agent on the Interactions page. It includes contacts that have not been uploaded, have been recycled or deleted, and so on, which do not appear on the Interactions page.

Net Reputation Score and Average Predictive NPS require the View Analytics Data for Contacts permission and advanced analytics features. Skill Mappings appear if the agent is associated with at least one skill mapping.

Change the date format

By default, Workforce Optimization displays dates in MM/DD/YYYY format.

  1. Click your name in the upper right corner of the page.
  2. Select Select Language. The Select Language window opens.
  3. Select one of the following languages:

    To see dates in this format: Select one of these languages:
    MM/DD/YYYY English

    English (UK & AUS)

    French (France)


    Portuguese (Portugal)

    Portuguese (Brazil)




    French (Canada)









    Chinese (Traditional)

    Chinese (Simplified)

    DD-MM-YYYY Dutch
    YYYY.MM.DD Korean
  4. Click Change Language. The Select Language window closes.
  5. Refresh the page. The date format changes based on the language you selected.

Related topics