View the sentiment for a contact

Sentiment is the overall emotional tone (positive, negative, or neutral) of the agent’s and customer’s conversation throughout the contact. Workforce Optimization supports sentiment analysis for English calls, emails, and text contacts. For calls, sentiment requires speech-to-text transcription. For emails and text contacts, sentiment requires text analytics.

Contact Type: Call

Contact Content: Has Transcription

Licenses Required: Analytics or Workforce Optimization Access

Permissions Required: View Contacts, View Speech to Text Analytics

Sentiment for calls

The Sentiment panel shows sentiment for calls. The panel shows utterances that have a positive or a negative sentiment score as color-coded segments in the audio stream where they were spoken.

NOTE   An utterance is an unbroken series of words spoken by a single person. An utterance may contain multiple sentences.

Click an utterance to move the timeline slider to it. When you do this, Workforce Optimization highlights the text bubble in the transcription that the sentiment task analyzed to produce the positive or negative score. The text bubble contains an icon that also indicates the sentiment score (see the table below). Hover over an utterance to see a preview of this text.

Sentiment for emails and text contacts

Written contacts have an overall sentiment score in the Analytics section of the Details panel.

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