Log in to Workforce Optimization
The login page allows you to log in using your Workforce Optimization credentials or an external identity provider. Before a user can log in, an administrator has to create an identity for the user in Workforce Optimization. Administrators must navigate to Application Management > User Configuration > Users to create new users.
- An administrator has created your user identity in Workforce Optimization.
- You have received an activation email from .
- You have configured an external IdP, direct login, or multi-factor authentication. See Set up IAM authentication to learn how to configure an authentication method.
Activate your Workforce Optimization account
- Follow the link provided in your activation email from . The link directs you to reset your password on the Workforce Optimization login page.
Enter a unique password that adheres to the password complexity requirements detailed below.
IMPORTANT The link in your activation email can only be used once, and it works for 24 hours. If you were not able to use the link in your activation email follow the troubleshooting procedure Troubleshoot login issues
Log into Workforce Optimization with your Workforce Optimization credentials
Follow this procedure if your organization does not use an external identity provider.
Navigate to the Workforce Optimization login page based on your region.
- Enter the email address associated with your Workforce Optimization account.
- Click Next.
- Enter the password associated with your Workforce Optimization account.
- Click Next. If successful, you are directed to Workforce Optimization.
Log into Workforce Optimization using your organization’s external identity provider
Follow this procedure if your organization does use an external identity provider.
Navigate to the Workforce Optimization login page based on your region.
- Enter your email address.
- Click Next.
Click Company Login. You may see Direct Login and Company Login buttons depending on your organization.
NOTE You may be redirected to your organization’s external identity provider to authenticate your session. If so, follow the onscreen prompts to authenticate.
- Enter your password.
- Click Next. If successful, you are directed to Workforce Optimization.
Log into Workforce Optimization using multi-factor authentication
Follow this procedure if your organization uses multi-factor authentication.
Navigate to the Workforce Optimization login page based on your region.
- Enter the email address associated with your Workforce Optimization account.
- Click Next.
- Enter the password associated with your Workforce Optimization account.
Workforce Optimization automatically sends an email to your account with a one-time password. Navigate to your email account and copy the one-time password located in the body of the email.
IMPORTANT The password expires in five minutes.
Enter the one-time password on the Workforce Optimization login page.
Click Next. If successful, you are directed to Workforce Optimization.
NOTE If you do not receive a one-time password email within one minute, check your spam folder or work with your IT administrator to ensure the one-time password email from "supportservices_noreply@calabriocloud.com" is not blocked.
Passwords must conform to the following rules.
- Must be a minimum of 8 characters.
Must contain at least one of each of the following.
Uppercase letters
Lowercase letters
Numbers 0-9
Special characters! # $ % & ( ) , . / : ; = ? @ ^ ` |
- Cannot contain your name or email address.
NOTE Passwords do not expire.
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