Forecast vs Actual Workload report

Use this report to compare the forecast to the actual values for the selected scenario, skills and workloads.

The report answers questions like:

  • How well does the number of forecasted calls match the number of calls that were actually received?
  • How well do the forecasted AHT and ACW match the actual AHT and ACW?
  • How accurate was my forecast?

Use the Not defined option in the skill and workload selection to show logged queue data which is not connected to any skill and workload.

See Forecast vs Scheduled Hours report to compare the forecast to the schedule.

Page location

WFM > Reports > Forecast vs actual workload

Fields in this report

Field Description

Calculated calls

An adjusted version of Offered calls which considers the workload settings for how to handle overflow and abandoned calls.

Forecasted calls

The total number of incoming calls for a certain period according to the forecast. It includes calls added by a campaign. This can include for example emails and chats, depending on the selection.

Offered calls

The total number of contacts that have been placed in a queue by the ACD platform, which can then either be handled or abandoned.

Answered calls

The total number of answered contacts. This can include for example calls, emails, or chats, depending on the selection.

Forecasted average talk time

The forecast of the average time the agents will spend in conversation with a customer.

Actual average talk time

The average time agents spend in conversation with a customer.

Calculation: Average talk time = Total talk time ÷ Answered calls

Forecasted after call work

The forecast of the average time agents will spend working on contacts after they have ended the conversation with the customer.

Actual after call work

The average time agents have spent on contacts after they have finished talking to the customer.

Calculation: Average after call work = Total after call work / Answered calls

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