How root calls and reconciliation work
A root call is a recording made via Gateway Recording. This recording is not associated with any user and must be reconciled to associate the root recording with an agent. Reconciled recordings can be used with Quality Management and Analytics.
A root call is a recording of the entire call from the time it enters the gateway until the time it leaves the gateway, including transfers and consultations that can involve multiple people.
NOTE You cannot use Gateway Recording with hoteling users. (See Manage hoteling users for QM and Analytics.)
Reconciliation is the process of associating root calls with agents and screen recordings by looking at PBX/ACD Call Detail Records (CDRs), Workforce Optimization agent-to-device associations, and end user login events. The reconciliation process runs every 10 minutes against calls that are at least 20 minutes old. Reconciliation creates assigned calls that are copies of the root call segments that belong to specific agents. Workforce Optimization runs reconciliation automatically.
NOTE Conference calls in an Avaya environment do not always reconcile properly because Avaya makes only one CDR that covers the whole time frame. This causes Workforce Optimization to reconcile the whole conference for the original answering agent but not for the agent who is included in the conference call. Workforce Optimization records the whole call even though it does not reconcile correctly.
You can view root calls in the Recording Contacts window (see Find contacts).
Workforce Optimization handles root calls according to the default storage profile only. If you create any additional storage profiles, they do not apply to root calls. (See Configure storage profiles for QM and Analytics.)