Manage hoteling users for QM and Analytics

A hoteling user is a generic profile that is assigned to a device (see Associate phones with agents, recording groups, and recording types) in the case that no user logs in. If you choose not to assign a device to a specific agent, you can assign it to a hoteling user.

Field Description

Select User

(”Edit or delete an existing user” only) The hoteling user you want to edit.

First Name

The first name of the hoteling user.

Last Name

The last name of the hoteling user.

User Name

The user’s email address. This becomes the user’s Workforce Optimization user name and is used to log in.

Windows Login

The user’s Windows login credentials. In an Active Directory environment, this is the user’s Active Directory user name.

Account Status

The user’s account status (locked or unlocked). Use this field to change a user’s account status if the account has become locked due to unsuccessful login attempts.


The team for the hoteling user.