Finalize the staffing forecast

The forecast must be finalized before you can start scheduling for this period.

Apply the previously created standard workload day templates to add the intraday arrival pattern for each day of the week. The intraday arrival pattern defines the distribution within the day and the volume is defined by the long-term forecast.

If you work with preferences, you must apply the workload day templates before opening the preference period. This is important to verify the open hours for each day.

Handle any deviations from the standard volume or intraday arrival pattern.

  • The workload is closed on a bank holiday—Create and apply a special workload day template that is set as closed.
  • The workload has reduced open hours on a bank holiday—Create and apply a special workload day template with reduced open hours and an adjusted intraday pattern.
  • A television commercial is planned and will likely cause higher call volumes—Add a campaign percentage for calls for the affected period.
  • An up-sell campaign is planned and will likely cause a longer average talk time—Add a campaign percentage for talk time for the affected period.
  • You want to use a higher shrinkage percentage for January when the level of sick leave is higher—Create a special skill template and apply it for January.

Continue to revise the forecast as new information is available. This can be done also when the period is scheduled, and the schedule published.

NOTE   To automatically adjust the shrinkage values for the near future, use dynamic shrinkage. See Manage dynamic shrinkage for more information


  • You have the Forecasts permission.
  • The skill and workloads are created.
  • Standard workload day templates for the workloads are created.

NOTE   If there are seasonal variations, create long-term forecasts for the workloads for the period and scenario you want to work with. Although, they are not required. Volumes can be defined by the workload day templates.

Page location

Client > Forecasts > Open forecast


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