About historical adherence

Historical adherence indicates how well agents have adhered to their schedule and is based on the stored real-time adherence data. Therefore, the calculation of historical adherence depends on the configuration of state groups, rules and rule mappings in WFM client > Options > Real-time adherence.

The historical adherence is available in the Adherence tool and in the Adherence per Agent report.

NOTE   The historical adherence is tracked on a detailed level, and therefore the calculated historical adherence percentage is very accurate. This percentage will not completely match the ready-time adherence percentage which is calculated based on ready time and on interval level. See About ready-time adherence for more information.

If an agent is considered to be in adherence, out of adherence or in a neutral state is based on:

  • The state that the agent is in.
  • The activity on which they are scheduled at that time.
  • The rule that is defined for that combination of state and activity.
  • The adherence setting which is selected for that rule.

Calculation of historical adherence

The formula for calculating the historical adherence percentage is:

Adherence % = (Total time in adherence ÷ (Total work time - Total neutral periods)) × 100


An agent has worked a 6-hour shift.

  • 3 hours were in a state and activity combination connected to a rule defined as in adherence.
  • 1 hour was in a state and activity combination connected to a rule defined as out of adherence.
  • 2 hours were in a state and activity combination connected to a rule defined as neutral.

The agent's adherence is 75%, because the 2 neutral hours are disregarded.

The adherence percentage is always for the full shift, even if the shift crosses midnight.

In the Historical adherence overview and the Adherence per agent report, the adherence percentage for an agent is shown when the shift has ended. In the Historical adherence day view you can see the current adherence percentage for an ongoing shift, based on the adherence from the start of the shift until now.

In the Historical adherence day view for an agent, the full shift is displayed including one hour before shift start and one hour after shift end. Any states that come in before or after the scheduled shift do not affect the adherence score.

The adherence for absences is controlled by the rule defined for time with no scheduled activity. Use that rule to if you want to consider absence time as neutral, to not affect the adherence percentage on day or period level.

  • If an agent was originally out of adherence for a period, but that time was later either approved as in adherence or adjusted to neutral, this causes a recalculation of the adherence percentage.
  • Any retroactive change to an agent's schedule causes a recalculation of the adherence percentage for that day. This happens for schedule changes up to 30 days back. If any occurrence where the agent was out of adherence has previously been manually approved, this approval is taken into consideration in the recalculated adherence percentage. If an agent's late arrival is no longer relevant when their schedule has been changed, the Late for work occurrence is removed.

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