Service Level and Agents Ready report

This report shows how the service level is affected by the number of agents ready. The charts on the first page of the report give you an overview and the second page contains all matrix data.

The report answers questions like:

  • What was my service level compared to the number of agents that were scheduled?
  • How can I see how well the contact center was staffed throughout the day compared to my volumes?
  • How many offered calls per agent do we have according to the schedule and what was the outcome?
  • How many calls do we answer within our service level goal and how many calls are abandoned?
  • Did we have as many agents ready as we scheduled?

Ensure to select what service level calculation to use in the report selection page.

Use the Not defined option in the skill and workload selection to show logged queue data which is not connected to any skill and workload.

Page location

WFM > Reports > Service level and agents ready

Fields in this report

Field Description

Scheduled agents ready

The number of agents who are scheduled to be ready, for example scheduled to answer calls or emails.

Agents ready

The number of agents (heads) in the ready state. An agent is counted as ready as soon as they have any logged in time at any point during the period.

Offered calls / Scheduled agents ready

The number of offered calls per agent who is scheduled to be ready.

Offered calls / Agents ready

The number of offered calls per agent who is in a ready state.

Offered calls

The total number of contacts that have been placed in a queue by the ACD platform, which can then either be handled or abandoned.

Answered calls

The total number of answered contacts. This can include for example calls, emails, or chats, depending on the selection.

Abandoned calls

The number of calls where the caller hung up and abandoned the queue. This could also include for example chats, depending on the selection.

Answer rate (%)

The percentage of calls that are answered compared to calls offered. This could also include for example emails or chats, depending on the selection.

Calculation: Answer rate = Answered calls ÷ Offered calls

Service level (%)

The service level indicates the percentage of contacts that are handled within the defined service level threshold. Select the specific formula you want to use to calculate the service level. This makes it possible for you to define for example if you want to consider contacts abandoned within the service level threshold and if you want to include overflow in.

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