Scheduled Time per Agent report
This report shows the scheduled time for an agent and how the time is divided by days, activities and absences. You can drill-down from team, agent, date and activity or absence totals.
The report answers questions like:
- How much paid time did we schedule yesterday?
- How much absence time did we have last month?
Use the Not defined option in the team and agent selection to show logged data which is not connected to any agent and team.
Page location
WFM > Reports > Scheduled time per agent
Fields in this report
Field | Description |
Contract time |
All time scheduled on activities and absences set as contract time. Overtime is not included in contract time. |
Work time |
All time scheduled on activities and absences set as work time. |
Paid time |
All time scheduled on activities and absences set as paid time. |
Scheduled overtime |
The time scheduled in addition to the normal contract time. NOTE Only activities which are set as work time are included. |
Absence time |
Time scheduled on absences which are set as contract time. |
Scheduled time |
The total scheduled time, regardless if it is contract time or work time. This includes for example lunch and overtime. |
Planned overtime |
The originally planned overtime for an agent. If an agent was scheduled to work overtime but is absent, they are not compensated for the overtime. |
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