Preference per Day report

Use this report to show the number of agent preferences that are fulfilled or unfulfilled during a selected time period, summarized per day. The report shows preferences for shift categories, days off, absences or extended preferences such as maximum work time or earliest start time. It also shows the number of must have preferences.

The agents enter their preferences for how and when they want to work. A preference is counted as fulfilled when the agent is scheduled according to the preference. If not, it is counted as unfulfilled. All preferences entered for one single day is counted as one preference.

EXAMPLE   An agent enters a preference for the Early shift category with a maximum work time of 8 hours and sets the preferred latest end time 3:00 PM. This counts as one preference, an extended preference. If one or more of the criteria is not fulfilled in the schedule, the preference is counted as unfulfilled.

The report answers questions like:

  • For last week, did we do a good job of meeting our agents' preferences each day?

Use the Not defined option in the team and agent selection to show logged data which is not connected to any agent and team.

NOTE   The dates of the preferences are shown according to the agent's time zone.

Page location

WFM > Reports > Preference per day

Fields in this report

Field Description
Must haves

The number of preferences which are selected as particularly important to the agent. Days which are selected as must have days are marked with a heart.


The number of preferences which are fulfilled during a selected time period. The preference is counted as fulfilled when the agent is scheduled according to the preference.

NOTE   If a day off is scheduled on a day with a preference for a shift, the preference on this day is considered as fulfilled.


The number of preferences that were unfulfilled when scheduling. The preference is counted as unfulfilled when the agent is scheduled and the shift scheduled is not according to the agent's preference.

Fulfillment %

The percentage of preferences which are fulfilled during a selected time period. The preference is counted as fulfilled when the agent is scheduled according to the preference.

Calculation: Preference fulfillment % = Preferences fulfilled ÷ Preferences requested

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