Schedule Audit Trail report

This report shows all changes that are made to the schedule for the default scenario. It requires that the audit trail is enabled.

The report answers questions like:

  • Who made a change to Ashley's schedule for next week, and exactly when was it made?
  • What changes were made to Monday's schedule? I need to keep my team accountable for the changes that were made.

You can filter it on any field in the report.  

You can export data to Excel but filters will not be applied.

NOTE   If a schedule change is modified by "WFM System", this means that the schedule is changed by an automatic process. For example, this is shown when an agent's request has been automatically approved or when schedules are copied to or imported from another scenario.

Page location

WFM > Reports > Schedule audit trail

Fields in this report

Field Description

Modified at

The date and time when the change happened.
Modified by

The name of the user who made the change.

If a schedule change is modified by "WFM System", this means that the schedule is changed because an absence request, overtime request, or shift trade request has been automatically approved.

Agent The agent whose schedule was changed.
Type The type of item that was changed; shift, absence or day off.
Action The type of change which was made and where in the product it was made.
Details More information about the shift category, absence type or day off.
Start time The start time of the shift, absence or day off.
End time The end time of the shift, absence or day off.

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