Agent Queue Metrics report

This report shows the queue metrics for each agent. View metrics like answered calls and average handling time for the selected time period and for each queue that the agent has been logged in to. You can drill down to a specific queue and day to view more details.

The report answers questions like:

  • What are the basic stats for my group of agents, broken down by queue?
  • How many calls did my team answer and what was the average talk time?

Use the Not defined option in the team and agent selection to show logged data which is not connected to any agent and team.

Page location

WFM > Reports > Agent queue metrics

Fields in this report

Field Description
Answered calls

The total number of answered contacts. This can include for example calls, emails, or chats, depending on the selection.

Average handle time

The average time it takes to handle a contact to completion, including talk time and after call work time.

Calculation: Average handle time = (Total talk time + Total after call work) ÷ Answered contacts

Average talk time

The average time agents spend in conversation with a customer.

Calculation: Average talk time = Total talk time ÷ Answered calls

Average after call work

The average time agents have spent on contacts after they have finished talking to the customer.

Calculation: Average after call work = Total after call work / Answered calls

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