View planned meetings in the client

View the meetings that were planned using the Meeting planner in the Windows client. The Meeting overview shows meetings that were booked in the selected scenario. You can select to show all meetings planned for a selected group of agents or to show all meetings created by you.

Select a meeting in the overview to show details for that meeting, such as the location and the participants.

Plan new meetings, move or adjust details for existing meetings and delete meetings directly from the Meeting overview.

NOTE   Meetings that are created in the Meetings module in the client cannot be managed in the web Meetings tool, and meetings that are created in the web Meetings tool cannot be managed in the Meetings module in the client.


  • You have the Schedules permission.
  • You have the Global functions > View schedules permission.

Page location

Client > Schedules > Meeting overview


Define which meetings to show

NOTE   If you select both a specific group of agents and to show all meetings created by you, all meetings for the selected agents and all meetings created by you are shown.

  1. Select for which Scenario to view meetings.
  2. Select if you want to show meetings for a specific group of agents or meetings that are created by you.
    • To show all meetings planned for a specific group of agents, click Participants and select the check boxes for the sites, teams, agents or group pages to show meetings for. Click Close.
    • To show all meetings that you planned, select the Meetings created by me button.

Plan a meeting

  1. Select a time period on a date in the calendar view.
  2. Right-click and select Add.
  3. Add participants and meeting details. See Plan meetings in the client for more information.

Add or remove participants

Add participants to a planned meeting, or remove participants who for example have changed teams.

NOTE   If you edit the details of a recurring meeting, the changes apply to all occurrences of this meeting.

  1. Double-click the meeting.
  2. To remove participants, select their names and select the Delete key.
  3. To add participants:

    1. Click Address book.
    2. Search or filter to find the agents to add.
    3. Select the agents to add and click to add them as Required or Optional participants.
  4. Click Save.

Move a meeting

NOTE   If you edit the details of a recurring meeting, the changes apply to all occurrences of this meeting.

  • To move a meeting within a week, select the meeting and move it to the new day or time.
  • To move a meeting to another week, right-click the meeting and select Cut. Then go to the other week, right-click at the time to place the meeting and select Paste.

Copy and paste a meeting

Add a copy of an existing meeting to another time or day.

  • Right-click the existing meeting and select Copy.
  • Right-click at the time to place the meeting and select Paste.

Delete a meeting

NOTE   When you delete a recurring meeting, all occurrences of this meeting are deleted.

  1. Right-click the meeting and select Delete.
  2. Click Yes to confirm.

Export a meeting to another scenario

Export all meetings planned for the currently open scenario to a selected scenario.

  1. Click Export.
  2. Define the period for which to export the meetings.
  3. Select the Scenario to export to.
  4. Click Export.
  5. Click Close.

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