Manage Data Management users

IMPORTANT    Provider Data Management has been declared End of Sale as of November 1st, 2023 and is no longer available for purchase.

Data Management users are Workforce Optimization users who are licensed and granted roles for Data Management. The Reporting User Attributes Management page allows you to view read-only user information and to configure and manage extra attributes unique to Data Management for those users.

On the Reporting User Attribute Management page, users are grouped under the tenant account in the left panel and details for individual users are displayed in the right panel.


  • Data Management System Administration permission

Page location

Application Management > Data Management > Reporting User Attribute Management

About extra attributes

Extra attributes are essentially fields you can add to the account, as if you were adding fields to the Details panel and then entering values in those fields. You can select an attribute from the list of available attributes provided, or you can create your own custom attribute. One of the most common reasons for a custom attribute is to have a value that can be used dynamically in a report or a dashboard, such as a department name or a territory name.

The list of available attributes includes attributes in these categories:

  • Account details
  • Product content
  • Look and feel
  • Asserted configuration
  • Account metrics
  • Calendar configuration

Many extra attributes are inheritable. Other attributes, such as a username, are not. Each of these attributes is unique to a specific account. Attributes set at the tenant level can be configured to be inherited by all the users under that tenant.


Attribute Category Description

Asserted Configuration

Apply infospace dry run


Asserted Configuration

Feature flag for using application fields on attributes.

Asserted Configuration

Provider Data Management Trial Asset Filter Tags

Asserted Configuration

Provider Data Management Trial Question Restriction Tags

Asserted Configuration

Provider Data Management Trial Question Restriction Override

Asserted Configuration

Provider Data Management Trial End Date

Asserted Configuration

Limit how may contributions can be downloaded at once

Asserted Configuration

The account ID number of the tenant data owner (LBA) account, if any

Asserted Configuration

Whether or not to allow “quick” deletes of contributions from the engine via the UI. “Quick” deletes are more direct but less thorough than regular deletes and may leave data artifacts behind.


Asserted Configuration

Enable “beta” report export features when using the React renderer


Asserted Configuration

Enable the Data Explorer Dev Tool drawer for client-side-only attributes override in 1.1 Renderer (CTL)


Asserted Configuration

Should the client logger be enabled?


Asserted Configuration

Specify the word cloud maximum character length per word.


Asserted Configuration

Enable Formula Editor for editing Dashboard Formula Parameters.


Asserted Configuration

Window size for Dashboard BrowseValues requests.

Asserted Configuration

Number of contributions to delete in a batch.

Asserted Configuration

Upload Data Contributions Batch Size (in number of bytes)


Asserted Configuration

The maximum time (in seconds) that database bloat requests be queued for before being discarded.


Asserted Configuration

The expiry time (in seconds) for deleting all contributions.


Asserted Configuration

Precedence of shared collections


Asserted Configuration

Produce verbose and DEBUG level engine logs until this time (UTC).

Asserted Configuration

Option to add a trailing space to CSV export output.


Asserted Configuration

Maximum export window fetch size (both rows or columns).

indicee.account_quota Config Number of sub-accounts that an account may own
indicee.administered_accounts Config (Read only) Accounts or organizations that are administered by this account
indicee.administrative_contact.detail Account Details Text containing additional details about administrative contact Account Details Text, normally an email address that should appear as the administrative contact for the account
indicee.app_upper_limit Asserted Configuration The maximum number of users that can be registered for specific app keys
indicee.app_user_limit Asserted Configuration The maximum number of users that can be registered for use by apps in general
indicee.application_quota Config (Read only) Number of iBIOS application keys that a user can register
indicee.asset_filter Config (Read only) Filter visible assets by tag e.g. -Finance +Marketing
indicee.avatar Detail The identifier of account’s avatar image


Product Content

The default Workforce Optimization dashboard for the user


Look and Feel

The category that calendar pickers should default to.


Asserted Configuration

Whether dashboard creation is enabled.


Asserted Configuration

Tags to auto-add newly created dashboards


Asserted Configuration

Whether content (report and dashboard) creation is enabled.

Asserted Configuration

Whether report creation is enabled.

Asserted Configuration

Tags to auto-add to newly created reports.


Asserted Configuration

Tags to auto-add to newly created reports and dashboards.

indicee.context_menu_enabled Config Whether content popup menus are enabled


Account Details

Whether or not the user can set a data set to single contribution mode

indicee.creation_time Detail (Read only) The time at which the account was created


Asserted Configuration

The currency used for the user

indicee.custom_appkey Config Force an application key to be applied for this user
indicee.dashboard.navbar Config The list of content links to apply on dashboards opened by a user. These links are cumulative up the hierarchy and appear in the nav bar ahead of content that is locally authored into the dashboard. The attribute value is a list of items with the following format: [<display name>]:<d| r>:‘<system reference identifier>’[;...]. For more information, see the topics: Obtain the SystemReference Identifier and Configure the dashboardnavigation bar.


Asserted Configuration

The expiry time (in seconds) for background dashboard browse regeneration


Asserted Configuration

The expiry time (in seconds) for exporting report data

Asserted Configuration

The expiry time (in seconds) for background dashboard report regeneration


Asserted Configuration

The expiry time (in seconds) for background dashboard regeneration


Asserted Configuration

Specify the version for the renderer used to render dashboards and reports


Asserted Configuration

When true dashboards generated in the background include all results windows


Asserted Configuration

Disables the use of preview images during Dashboard rendering when set to False


Asserted Configuration

The meximum time (in seconds) that dataupload requests be queued for before being discarded

indicee.date_format Config The preferred date format for output where not controlled by other means. This is given in the Unicode standard tr-35 form see: http:// tr35-10.html#Date_Format _Patterns.
indicee.days_since_logged_out Metric (Read only) The number of days passed since this user last logged out enabled

Asserted Configuration

Enable report delivery for this account

indicee.department Detail The department property of an account
indicee.deploy_infospaces Config (Read only) Indicates if the user is allowed to deploy information spaces to other users. Must also be an admin.
indicee.description Detail A description for the account
indicee.disk_quota Config The maximum allowed size of disk storage
indicee.display_name Detail The display name of the account. This is the screen name that the user has chosen to identify themselves to others. Detail The email associated with the account
indicee.error_count Metric (Read only) The total number of system errors recorded while this user is logged in. Propagates upward
indicee.extension Detail The telephone extension for the account
indicee.first_name Detail The first name of a user


Calendar Configuration

JSON that describes the fiscal calendar to use. Example: indicee.fiscal_calendar = {“weekStartDay”: “Monday”} changes the first day of the week from the default Sunday to Monday.


Asserted Configuration

List of GWT client-side diagnostic loggers to be enabled. Detail (Read only) The internal unique identifier of the account
indicee.industry Detail The industry property of an account


Asserted Configuration

The maximum time (in seconds) that delivery requests will be queued for before being discarded

indicee.landing_page Content The login dashboard for the user
indicee.landing_pages Content (Read only) A list of dashboards selectable in the admin UI for the indicee.landing_page. Cumulative down the hierarchy.
indicee.last_error Metric (Read only) The last system error message recorded by an account propagates upward
indicee.last_login_account Metric (Read only) The account that was last logged in. This is only meaningful as a propagated value.
indicee.last_login_ip Metric (Read only) The last IP from which a user logged in propagates upward
indicee.last_login_time Metric (Read only) The last time at which a user successfully logged in propagates upward
indicee.last_logout_time Metric (Read only) The last time at which a user logged out or timed out propagates upward
indicee.last_name Detail The last name of a user
indicee.last_report_run Metric (Read only) The reference of the last report run propagates upward
indicee.last_report_running_time Metric (Read only) The runtime duration of the last report run propagates upward
indicee.last_save_time Detail The last time a user saved
indicee.last_showcase Detail The version of last showcase content that has been displayed LnF The name of the application (default: “Indicee”)
indicee.lnf.appurl LnF The URL of the application (default: “”) LnF The name of the vendor (default: “Indicee”) LnF The email address for the general contact (default: “”) LnF The email address for feedback (default: “”) LnF The email address for outgoing notifications (default: “”) LnF The email address for the sales department (default: “”) LnF The email address for the support department (default: “”) LnF The email address for terms (default: “”) -code LnF The code to inject to drive Google adwords. -code LnF The code to inject to drive Google analytics.
indicee.lnf.grammar.a-or-an LnF The indefinite article pertaining to the company name (default: “an” to go with “Indicee”)
indicee.lnf.image.btn_qs_video LnF The image resource for the QuickStart video (default: “/images/ btn_qs_video.jpg”)
indicee.lnf.image.loading_lg LnF The image resource used while content is loading (default: “/images/ loading_lg.gif”)
indicee.lnf.image.logo_lrg LnF The brand logo in large format(default: “/images/ logo_lrg.gif”)
indicee.lnf.image.logo_sm LnF The brand logo (default: “/ images/logo_sm.gif”)
indicee.lnf.image.logo_sm _color LnF The color brand logo (default: “/images/ logo_sm_color.gif”)
indicee.lnf.image.Partner_Security LnF The partner security badge (default: “/images/ Partner_Security.png”)
indicee.lnf.image.testdrive _logo LnF The image resource used for the Test Drive button (default: “/images/ logo_testDrive.gif”)
indicee.lnf.livechat.button.enabled LnF Sets whether the livechat button is displayed (default: true)
indicee.lnf.livechat.monitor .enabled LnF Sets whether the livechat monitor is enabled (default: true)
indicee.lnf.locale LnF The locale for the product (default: “en”) LnF The possessive form of the vendor name (default: “indicee’s”) LnF The product name (default: “Indicee”) LnF The product name badge appearing in the page footer (default: “Indicee”)
indicee.lnf.name_cap LnF The product name in capital letters (default: “INDICEE”) LnF The contact telephone number of the vendor (default: “1-888-681-3840”)
indicee.lnf.siteurl LnF The displayed website (default: “”
indicee.lnf.siteurl_cap LnF The website rendered in capital letters (default: “WWW.INDICEE.COM”)
indicee.lnf.url.about LnF The web page for “about” information (default: “ about/”) LnF The web page for help (default: “http// support/help/”)
indicee.lnf.url.privacy LnF The web page for “privacy policy” information (default: “http:// privacy/”) LnF The web page for “security” information (default: “http:// security/”)
indicee.lnf.url.terms LnF The web page for “terms and conditions” information (default: “ legal/terms/”) LnF Sets whether Verisign functionality is enabled (default: true)


Asserted Configuration

The locale used for the model

indicee.login_count Metric (Read only) The number of times an account has logged in cumulatively propagates upward
indicee.manage_infospaces Config Permission to create and manage multiple information spaces for lifecycle management


Asserted Configuration

Whether the background materialization is enabled when uploading a contribution file


Asserted Configuration

The maximum time (in seconds) that materialization requests be queued for before being discarded

indicee.max_upload_size Config The maximum allowed size of a data upload
indicee.measure_filter Config (Read only) Filter visible Measures by tag e.g. -Finance +Marketing


Asserted Configuration

Allows the model guesser to be enabled

indicee.organization Detail The organization property of an account
indicee.parent Detail (Read only) The parent account
indicee.per_app_user_limit Config The maximum number of registered users for specific apps by app key Detail The telephone number for the account


Look and Feel

The URL user should be directed to after logout


Look and Feel

Default number of assets to return from API

indicee.pref.ui.asset_browser.default_view LnF The view in which the Asset Browser will display when initialized


Look and Feel

The list filter for Dashboards and Reports in the Asset Browser - e.g. ALL, OWNED, SHARED_TO, SHARED_BY, GROUP

indicee.pref.ui.asset_browser.preview_location LnF The location of the Asset Browser preview pane
indicee.pref.ui.asset_browser.property_visibilities LnF The set of asset property columns that are visible in the Asset Browser
indicee.pref.ui.asset_browser.sort_ascending LnF Whether the Asset Browser sort property is displayed in ascending order
indicee.pref.ui.asset_browser.sort_property LnF Which property in the Asset Browser is currently sorted


Look and Feel

The size at which the Filter Picker is initially displayed

indicee.pref.ui.formula_editor.size LnF The size at which the Formula Editor is initially displayed
indicee.pref.ui.formula_editor.text.pos LnF Positions of the Formula Editor splitters when displayed
indicee.pref.ui.grouping_picker.size LnF The size at which the Group Picker is initially displayed
indicee.pref.ui.measure_picker.size LnF The size at which the Measure Picker is initially displayed
indicee.pref.ui.measure_picker.text.pos LnF Positions of the Measure Picker splitters when displayed
indicee.pref.ui.model_editor.hidehelp LnF Whether to hide the in- product help for the Model Editor
indicee.question_restriction Config (Read only) User security pre-filter for Questions. Restricts the data that users can see in reports.

Asserted Configuration

The maximum time (in seconds) that background report rendering (e.g. for mail delivery) is allowed to run for

Asserted Configuration

If true, shared reports are also considered when regenerating reports for a user

Asserted Configuration

Enable bulk report updates for this account Config Asserts a default for the main cache flag on new reports Config The minimum time that a report will be retained in cache Config Asserts a default for whether reports are cached per user on new reports Config The maximum time that a report will be retained in cache

Asserted Configuration

The size of tiles in browser-side report caching Config Defer regeneration of impacted reports after a change of data e.g. upload by given time seconds

Asserted Configuration

The maximum time (in seconds) that delivery requests will be queued for before being discarded _contact Config Show admin contact in the event of reporting errors or validation failures

Asserted Configuration

Hide the warning that a cached report is out of date

Asserted Configuration

Set Report View loading state (can be either “QUERYING” OR “LOADING_REPORT,” the former is default. Works for renderer 1.1 only.

Asserted Configuration

The maximum time (in seconds) that report/dashboard requests will be queued for before being discarded. Config Report validation mode - strict, relaxed or minimal
indicee.reports_run Metric (Read only) The total number of reports that have been run propagates upward
indicee.role Config The role of the account Power User or Consumer


Asserted Configuration

The expiry time (in seconds) for rpc requests

indicee.session.timeout Config The web session timeout for the users in seconds
indicee.sharing_quota Config The maximum number of users to which content can be shared via groups
indicee.showcase_content _root Content (Read only) A URL pointing at the root of showcase content with directories per version
indicee.showcase_content _size LnF (Read only) Asserts a size for the showcase content to be displayed width/height json
indicee.showcase_enabled Detail (Read only) Whether the display of the showcase content for new versions is enabled
indicee.sso_identity_providers Config (Read only) List of identity providers to use from SSO configuration
indicee.status Detail (Read only) The current status of the account e.g. active suspended
indicee.timezone Detail The default timezone for the user
indicee.title Detail The business title of the user
indicee.total_logged_in_time Metric (Read only) The total amount of time a user has been logged in cumulatively propagates upward
indicee.total_report_running_time Metric (Read only) The total amount of time spent running reports cumulatively propagates upward
indicee.used_account_quota Metric The current remaining account quota
indicee.used_disk_quota Metric The current remaining disk quota
indicee.used_sharing_quota Metric The current remaining sharing quota


The auto-group feature creates a group of all the users under a tenant account. This group can then be used to deliver reports to all users within the group.

By default, tenant accounts have the auto-group feature enabled. The feature cannot be disabled.