Manage what contacts are recorded

Use the Inclusion/Exclusion page to proactively manage which contacts Workforce Optimization automatically records and which contacts it automatically excludes from being recorded. You can have multiple include and exclude rules.

EXAMPLE   Create rules to exclude all outgoing contacts from recording, record all contacts that begin with “612822,” or record all calls from the United Kingdom.


  • You have the Administer QM permission.

Page location

Application Management > QM > QM Contact Flows > Inclusion/Exclusion


IMPORTANT   By default, Workforce Optimization records all calls. If fields in the exclusion rule (such as the pattern type or direction) are missing, are incomplete, or use wildcard characters inaccurately, Workforce Optimization records these calls.

EXAMPLE   You create an Inclusion rule to record only calls with a Called Number of 1234567. A call comes in, but the ACD does not supply a Called Number. You have not created an Exclusion rule to exclude calls with an empty Called Number. Workforce Optimization records this call.

Create a recording rule

  1. Click Add.
  2. Enter the phone number in the Pattern field. Do not use hyphens. You can use wildcards in this field to create rules that apply to multiple numbers:

    • ? — A single digit

      EXAMPLE   612822???? = all numbers that begin with 612-822.

    • * — Any number of digits

      EXAMPLE   612* = all numbers that begin with 612.

    • + — Country code indicator (must be the first character in the field)

      EXAMPLE   +44* = contacts in the United Kingdom.

    • EMPTY — The ACD does not supply data for this field.
  3. Select the characteristics of the call from the Pattern Type field.

    • Calling Number—The ANI
    • Called Number—The DNIS
    • Extension
    • Phone Number—Some ACDs populate data in a field named Phone Number if the Calling Number or Called Number is empty. You can create rules with this pattern type if your ACD does this.
    • Any—Some ACDs populate data in a field named Any if the Calling Number or Called Number is empty. You can create rules with this pattern type if your ACD does this.
  4. Select the call Direction.
  5. Click Add. The rule appears on the page.

Edit a rule

  1. Click the pencil icon next to the rule.
  2. Edit the rule as needed.
  3. Click Update.

Delete a rule

  1. Click the trash can icon next to the rule. The Confirm Delete window opens.
  2. Click Delete. The rule disappears from the list.

Import a list of recording rules

BEST PRACTICE   To make sure that your import is formatted correctly, first Export a list of recording rules, edit the list as needed, and import it.

  1. Click Import at the upper right corner of the page. The Import window opens.
  2. Click Choose File.
  3. Select the file to upload. The Import window previews the new and existing rules that are in the file.
  4. Click Import. The new rules appear on the page.

Export a list of recording rules

IMPORTANT   If you export a list that includes an international calling code with the plus (+) sign, Excel treats the number as a mathematical expression. To use these lists, convert the exported .CSV file to text (.TXT), open the file in Excel, and define this as a text formatted column.

  • Click Export at the upper right corner of the page. The file inclusion_exclusion_list.csv downloads to your device.

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