Connection settings for Eventide NexLog (for QM and Analytics)
The following fields appear if you select Eventide NexLog as the ACD.
Field | Description |
Contact Upload Delay |
The length of the delay that is placed before each export interval. At each export interval, uploads all contacts that finish recording before this delay. Any contacts that finish recording after this delay are uploaded at the next export interval. EXAMPLE The Export Interval field is set to 00:30, and the Contact Upload Delay field is set to 5 minutes. At 12:30, the Data Server imports and uploads all contacts that finished recording at 12:25 or earlier. This ensures that Workforce Optimization uploads audio recordings for all contacts. |
The base URL (including the protocol) of the Eventide NexLog API. EXAMPLE In the NexLog API Manual v2.8, this base URL is identified with the following variable: <PROTOCOL><ADDRESS> |
Username |
The login name of the Eventide user. This login name is case-sensitive. NOTE The NexLog API Manual v2.8 says that, to be authenticated, this user “must have the appropriate channel/resource permissions to access the requested recordings. By default an admin user will have permissions to all channels/resources.” |
Password | The password of the Eventide user. |
Export Interval |
The frequency that Workforce Optimization retrieves completed call recordings from Eventide. Format = HH:MM. Minimum = 00:15. Maximum = 23:45. EXAMPLE You select 01:00. This means that Workforce Optimization imports all completed call recordings every hour. If you select Grouped for Logging Type, the Export Interval setting must be greater than the Contact Group Length setting. Workforce Optimization crosses out Export Interval settings that are shorter than the Contact Group Length setting. |
Logging Type |
Whether Workforce Optimization assigns associated contact IDs to the call recordings that it imports from Eventide:
Contact Group Length |
The interval (1–30 minutes) that you want to use to associate Eventide call recordings in Workforce Optimization. Workforce Optimization assigns the same associated contact ID to all call recordings that begin in the same interval, even if Workforce Optimization imports the recordings at the end of different Export Intervals. The Contact Group Length setting must be less than the Export Interval setting. This field is available only if you select Grouped for Logging Type, and then it is required. |
Contact Group Metadata |
The metadata field from the Eventide API that you want to use to associate call recordings in Workforce Optimization. When you enter a metadata field in Contact Group Metadata, Workforce Optimization searches all call recordings in each Contact Group Length interval for that metadata field. If any call recordings in the same Contact Group Length interval have the same value in that metadata field, Workforce Optimization assigns the same associated contact ID to those call recordings. NOTE When Contact Group Metadata is configured, Workforce Optimization gives associated contact IDs only to call recordings that both begin in the same Contact Group Length interval and have the same value in the Contact Group Metadata field. For more information about the metadata fields that you can enter, see Entering metadata. This field appears only if you select Grouped for Logging Type, and then it is optional. |
Entering metadata
Workforce Optimization can group call recordings with any standard or custom metadata field from Eventide. However, the metadata field that you enter in Workforce Optimization must be formatted as it appears in the Eventide API response.
In general, this means that the metadata field must be in lowercase and without quotation marks. See the Column Name column in the 4.5.1. V_RECORD section of the NexLog API Manual for a complete list of standard Eventide metadata fields.
The following table contains some example Eventide metadata fields and how those fields must be formatted in Workforce Optimization.
Field | Description |
channelname |
The name of the channel that the call was recorded on. |
channelid |
The channel number that the call was recorded on. |
caller_id |
The telephone number of the person who placed the call. |