Trade shifts with other agents

Trade shifts with another agent to get a shift that suits you better, for example to get a shift with a later start time.

There are different ways to trade your shift.

With shift trade requests, you can trade more than one day if needed. This is often necessary to trade days off and still fulfill the contract time for the period. It is also useful to set up a trade that is more likely to be accepted, for example "If you work my late shift on Wednesday, I will work your late shift on Thursday."

When you send a request to trade shifts with another agent, they get a message. If the other agent approves it, the request will go through several validations to ensure it does not break any work rules. If the request passes the validation, the trade either happens immediately or the request is sent for administrator approval.


  • You have the MyTime > Shift trade requests permission.
  • To enter a subject or message, you have the MyTime > Free text in requests permission.
  • A period is open for shift trade requests in your workflow control set.
  • If there are restrictions on who you can trade with based on your skills, there must be agents with a matching skill setup for you to trade with.

Page location

WFM > MyTime > Requests tab


Request to trade shifts with another agent

Send a shift trade request to another agent to get shifts that suit you better.

  1. Select Shift trade request.
  2. Select the date where you want to trade shifts.
  3. Use the filters for site, team, start and end time to find an agent to trade with.

    The contract time is shown for each shift to make it easier for you to find a suitable shift. Only agents that you have matching skills with according to the shift trade request settings will be shown.

  4. Click on the shift you want. A new view opens, where the shift you chose is selected.

    NOTE    If the selected shift cause the period work hours to change too much, a warning is shown at the top of the screen and the send button is disabled. Click on the warning to read the details and adjust the request until the warning goes away.

  5. Add more days to trade if you want to. Scroll in the list and select the check box for the days you want to trade. The shifts for that day is added to your trade cart and shown in the panel to the right.
  6. Enter a Subject and a Message. These are shown for the agent you send the request to.
  7. Click Send to send the request.

In these situations, the day is not selectable.

  • When there is an absence on that day for you or the other agent.
  • When the other agent's shift starts on a different date according to your time zone.
  • When the skill setup changes for you or the other agent and your skills no longer match.
  • When the trade would cause your shift or the other agent's shift to end up outside of the site open hours.
  • When there is a meeting, personal activity or overtime on that day and trades are not allowed in those situations.
  • When there is a non-overwritable activity in the shift for you or the other agent.

Follow up on a shift trade request

Use the request list to follow up on your shift trade requests, both the ones you sent and the ones from others. In the request list you can also delete a request.

  • For more information on how to follow up on a request or delete your request, see View your requests.

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