Monitor adherence on team level

Monitor the current adherence situation by site and team. The adherence information is updated automatically.

Use the site and team adherence overview to drill down to the sites or teams where agents are not adhering well and monitor adherence on agent level.

NOTE   A site or team is only shown in the Adherence tool if it contains agents who are connected to an external logon.


  • You have the Web > Adherence permission.
  • State groups are created.
  • Rules are created.
  • Rules are defined for each activity and state group combination.
  • The agents are connected to an external logon.

Page location

WFM > Adherence > Monitor organization


Monitor adherence on team and site level

Monitor the adherence levels for the sites and teams that you have permission to see. Use the skill or skill group filter at the top of the page to monitor adherence for agents working on selected skills.

The total number of agents in alarm is displayed at the top of the dashboard.

  • If no skill selection is made, this shows the total number of agents in alarm for the teams you have permission to see.
  • If a skill or skill group is selected, this shows the number of agents in alarm for that skill selection and who you have permission to see.

Click a site to expand it and show adherence levels for each team on the site. The number of agents in alarm is displayed for each site and team.

The color for each site or team indicates the percentage of agents who are in alarm, out of the total number of agents who belong to the site or team.

  • Green—less than 33% are in alarm.
  • Orange—33-66% are in alarm.
  • Red—more than 66% are in alarm

NOTE   To save your filter settings for future use, add the filtered page as a bookmark in your browser. You cannot save the free-text Filter agent names /sites /teams /rules /states /current activities field.

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