Here’s what happened in Workforce Optimization in November 2022.
Product features and enhancements
We added these new features and enhancements to Workforce Optimization in November 2022.
Set and display agent location (November 30, v. 8.2211.28.19): The ability to set and view agent location gives you control over your office seat capacity and lets you communicate with agents about when they should be in the office and when they should be working from home. View and manage locations in the web scheduling tool, where you can edit locations for one or more agents simultaneously, both from the day view and the week view. Agents can view their location in both MyTime and the mobile app.
Better handling of Add hours for skills with midnight breaks other than 00:00 (November 30, v. 8.2211.28.19): The Add hours functionality now works better for skill open hours that stretch across midnight. Agents see that they can only add hours within the skill open hours.
Updated time zone database (November 30, v. 8.2211.28.19): We have updated the IANA timezone database to version 2022f, which reflects recent changes in timezone standards.
Set the current backlog manually (November 23, v. 8.2211.21.8): It is now possible to set a backlog manually in Intraday for back-office and email skills. Given permission to Adjust backlog, an intraday analyst can enter the current volume of expired items (that has passed the service level target), and they are then added to the following day's backlog to be handled.
Handle within time up to 30 days for Back office skills (November 23, v. 8.2211.21.8): Set an extended service level target for Back office skills, up to 30 days. When this is enabled, the forecasted volumes are distributed over the longer period and scheduled and forecasted hours are updated every hour based on the scheduled resources.
Cancel approved overtime requests (November 23, v. 8.2211.21.8): Give agents permission to cancel approved overtime requests. Agents can then cancel overtime up until the threshold that is set in the agent's workflow control set.
Restore of schedules with meetings in client Schedules module is now more robust (November 23, v. 8.2211.21.8): To make the Restore schedule feature in the WFM client Schedules module more robust, previously scheduled meetings are not included. The change will prevent out of date meetings from being restored.
Improved user interface in the Gamification tool (November 23, v. 8.2211.21.8): The Gamification tool has been rewritten in a more modern framework and with an improved look and feel. The functionality has not changed.
Make it possible to retrieve Optional columns for other business units (November 23, v. 8.2211.21.8): Third-party applications can now retrieve the Optional columns for specific business units with the OptionalColumn/AllOptionalColumns query.
Extended date range for /command/SetSchedulesForPerson (November 23, v. 8.2211.21.8): The date range for the command/SetSchedulesForPerson API has been extended to include 31 days prior to today and 6 months ahead of today, with a maximum schedule period of 6 weeks. The maximum length of activities and part-time absences is 36 hours.
Extended date range for the AddOvertime API (November 14, v. 8.2211.11.19): We have extended the date range for command/AddOvertime to include 31 days prior to today and 30 days after today. The overtime can be up to 36 hours long.
Consistent visibility into personal account details for agents (November 14, v. 8.2211.11.19): When creating a new absence request, agents now see their personal account details only if they have the “View personal account” permission.
Filter employees by employee number in Schedules (November 14, v. 8.2211.11.19): On the Schedules page, you can now search for a predefined list of people by copying and pasting a list of employee numbers, either from Excel or separated by enter or space.
Allow overtime requests for back-office skills (November 8, v. 2211.7.5): You can now let agents request overtime for back-office type skills.
Predicted abandoned rate displayed together with service level in client Scheduler (November 8, v. 2211.7.5): The predicted abandoned rate now appears together with the service level in the Schedules module.
Smarter restoration of schedules with meetings (November 8, v. 2211.7.5): On the Schedules page, schedule restore no longer includes previously scheduled meetings. This update prevents Workforce Optimization from adding obsolete meetings back to schedules.
Quick start guides available in French (November 7): The New WFM quick start guides for agents, team leaders, and intraday analysts, plus the quick reference guides for forecasting and scheduling, are now available in Canadian French.
Edit or move activities for several agents at the same time (November 1, v. 680.143): You can now edit activities for multiple agents at once. Editing options include replacing an activity, moving it to a new start time, moving it to an earlier or later time, extending it, and shortening it.
Drag and drop overtime before or after a shift (November 1, v. 680.143): You can now move an overtime activity before or after a shift with drag and drop.
Deprecation of newer Phrase Manager page for all customers (November 9): To improve performance and stability, we have deprecated the newer version of the Phrase Manager page for all customers. This change continues work in October, when we turned off the newer Phrase Manager for customers in Provider’s US West region. The classic Phrase Manager page is still available and provides all the same features.
Resolved issues
These tables list the issues that we fixed in each release in November. The most recent release is first.
November 30 (WFM v. 8.2211.28.19)
Issue |
Component |
Subcomponent |
Issue Description |
149855 |
Windows Client |
Talk Time and ACW values for workloads would change if a user clicked “Apply standard” multiple times. |
November 23 (WFM v. 8.2211.21.8)
Issue |
Component |
Subcomponent |
Issue Description |
153499 |
Schedules |
Users were not informed that the optimization settings on the Shifts tab are not considered when running the Fairness optimization. |
152910 |
Meetings |
E-learning sessions were sometimes scheduled after the end time of the agent's shift. |
November 22 (build 1066)
Issue |
Component |
Subcomponent |
Issue Description |
152970 / 153137 |
QM |
Call Recording |
One customer was sporadically seeing calls with zero duration. |
147102 |
QM |
Call Recording |
In environments using secure signaling, if an agent warm-transferred a call to an external party, audio from this warm transfer was not recorded, and Workforce Optimization would just show the call as on hold. |
127510 |
QM |
Recordings |
If a user scrolled down the list of contacts and then moved to a different page of contacts, the scroll bar would be at the same position it was on the previous page. |
November 15 (build 1064)
Issue |
Component |
Subcomponent |
Issue Description |
151116 |
QM |
Recordings |
The link for the agent profile card was difficult to read. |
November 14 (WFM v. 8.2211.11.19)
Issue |
Component |
Subcomponent |
Issue Description |
148852 |
The “try out” functionality in the API documentation was not working. |
153558 |
General |
Customers could not migrate data with the transition tool if they had deleted some skills. |
November 8 (build 1063, WFM v. 8.2211.7.5 )
Issue |
Component |
Subcomponent |
Issue Description |
143387 |
Data Explorer/ Data Management |
Export Service |
Workforce Optimization was sending image exports of reports before the reports were fully loaded. |
145492 |
QM |
Legacy Reports |
In the Scores All Data report, if a user selected the Select All check box to select all teams, no list of agents would appear in the Agent field. |
141628 |
QM |
Recordings |
We have removed the Average Quality Percentage (AQP) from the top of the Recordings page because it was not calculating correctly. To see agents’ average quality percentages, you can use the Agent Scored Evaluation report (under Reporting in the top menu) or create a Data Explorer report. |
150219 |
People |
Users could not set Brussels as a time zone in the client People module. |
153051 |
People |
Customers could not create new users whose email domain contained capital letters. |
November 4 (WFM v. 680.199)
Issue |
Component |
Subcomponent |
Issue Description |
152375 |
Analytics |
After the Daylight Saving Time change, customers in time zones other than UTC were missing intraday data. |
148130 |
General |
Customers were seeing the error message, “Saving failed” when attempting to migrate data from Classic WFM to New WFM using the transition tool. |
November 1 (build 1062, WFM v. 680.143 )
Issue |
Component |
Subcomponent |
Issue Description |
150315 |
QM |
Online Help |
The Help link on the Evaluation Form Manager page was incorrect. |
147385 |
MyTime |
The shift bidding overview was showing the incorrect date for users who were in negative UTC timezones. |
152078 |
People |
New WFM users were seeing the error message, “The identity name must be a valid email address” if they entered an email that contained a period or a hyphen in the Identity logon field. |