Here’s what happened in Workforce Optimization in July 2022.
Product features and enhancements
We added these new features and enhancements to Workforce Optimization in July 2022.
End of support for Internet Explorer v. 11 (July 1): As of July 1, Internet Explorer is no longer a supported browser for Workforce Optimization. This means that we do not test new development in Internet Explorer and do not fix bugs that appear only in Internet Explorer. The browsers we support are Chrome, Edge, and Firefox.
QM and Call Recording
Sync devices with any prefix (July 26): For Cisco Unified CM integrations, you can now sync devices into Workforce Optimization regardless of the prefix in the device name. Previously, sync was limited to devices with specific prefixes.
Shift category in API calls (July 26, v. 675.125): Shift category is now included in the response for the ScheduleByPersonId, ScheduleByPersonIds, ScheduleByTeamId, and SchedulesByChangeDate APIs.
Add scenario to the WorkTime/WorkTimeByPersonId API (July 26, v. 675.125): You can now specify a scenario when using the WorkTimeByPersonId API.
Optional AbsenceID parameter for the RemovePartDayAbsence API (July 26, v. 675.125): With the RemovePartDayAbsence API, you can now specify what absence to remove by providing the absence ID. If you don’t enter an absence ID, Workforce Optimization will remove all absences for the specified dates and people.
Remove shifts (July 13, v. 675.100): On the Schedules page, you can now remove shifts for one or more agents at the same time.
Remove days off (July 13, v. 675.100): On the Schedules page, you can now remove days off for one or more agents for one day at a time. The removal also works if the day you select includes some agents who don’t have the day off.
Data Explorer and Data Management
Easily create interactive dashboards with Parameter AutoBind (July 5): We’ve automated the process of creating parameters in a dashboard and binding report parameters from reports and parameter collections from the pickers. Our new AutoBind tool automatically makes recommendations for linking together all the pieces you need, creating parameters and binding them to matching report parameters and the parameter collections on matching pickers. You can review, change, and accept these recommendations and rerun the tool later as you create more reports.
Resolved issues
These tables list the issues that we fixed in each release in July. The most recent release is first.
July 26 (build 1037, WFM v. 675.125 )
Issue |
Component |
Subcomponent |
Issue Description |
139213 |
Data Explorer / Data Management |
Custom Measures |
Users were seeing the error message, “Custom Reporting has encountered an error” when attempting to add a custom measure to a report. |
137982 |
QM |
Contact Import |
Contact import was failing for Windows domains that ended in a number. |
140182 |
QM |
Contact Import |
(Cisco Webex CC integrations) Resolved an issue that caused missed calls during the first two hours of each month. |
138139 |
Users could not use the SetRolesForPerson API to apply the built-in “Super administrator” role to people who belonged to a team. |
136425 |
Meetings |
If a user edited a meeting, the participants of the meeting would not load. |
137378 |
Meetings |
If one participant in a meeting had a leaving date, the participant field for the meeting was empty after that date. |
138132 |
Meetings |
E-learning sessions’ end times were not moving if the sessions were moved. |
135570 |
Requests |
Workforce Optimization stopped processing absence requests during a PTO rollout. |
July 19 (build 1035)
Issue |
Component |
Subcomponent |
Issue Description |
137611 |
QM |
Recording Upload |
Fixed a timing issue that could prevent some recordings from uploading properly. |
July 12 (build 1032)
Issue |
Component |
Subcomponent |
Issue Description |
131170 |
QM |
Data Server Logs |
If a user clicked “Request Logs,” Workforce Optimization would supply only the most recent c1xxxxx.log file instead of all the c1xxxxx-#.log files. |
July 8 (WFM v. 674.218)
Issue |
Component |
Subcomponent |
Issue Description |
129634 |
Meetings |
In one case, users could not edit or remove a meeting. |
136409 |
Requests |
Users were encountering issues with waitlisted absence requests. |
July 5 (WFM v. 674.178)
Issue |
Component |
Subcomponent |
Issue Description |
131216 |
General | There was an issue with Data Explorer permissions. |
135324 |
Schedules | Schedules Team filter incorrectly re-added upon date change. |
136610 |
Schedules |
Team Leaders could not add notes in Schedules. |