Here’s what happened in Workforce Optimization in October 2021.
Product features and enhancements
We added these new features and enhancements to Workforce Optimization in October 2021.
Call Recording and QM
New notification names (October 19): We’ve updated the names of some of our notifications. Subscribe to these and all other notifications on the Notifications page (Application Management > Monitoring > Notifications).
Old name | New name |
dataServerServiceMissedHeartbeat | Data Server Missed Heartbeat |
recordingMaxLimitCall | Recording Maximum Length Error |
signalingServerActiveAfterInit | Signaling Server Active |
signalingServerForcedStandby | Signaling Server Forced Standby |
signalingServerPartnerFailed | Signaling Server Uncontrolled Failover |
signalingServerPartnerMaintenance | Signaling Server Maintenance Failover |
signalingServerTelephonyProviderFailed | Signaling Server Telephony Provider Failed |
Line parameter for Contact Basic Search API (October 12): The Contact Basic Search API now supports “line” as an optional parameter.
Shift categories appear in schedule history (October 6): The schedule history on the Schedules page (which is currently in preview mode) now shows shift category changes.
Overtime requests allowed outside full-day absence hours (October 6): Agents can now submit an overtime request on a day when they are scheduled for a full-day absence, as long as the overtime request is for hours outside their scheduled absence. This is useful for customers that allow agents to work extra hours before or after their scheduled absences.
Faster display of coverage in multi-channel and multi-skill environments (October 6): Workforce Optimization now calculates resources faster and more precisely in large and complex environments with multi-skill and multi-channel dependencies.
Clearer denial message for absence requests submitted too close to their start time (October 6): When agents request an absence with a start time that is too soon (as defined in the workflow control set), the denial message more clearly explains why their request was denied.
More accurate absence probability bar (October 6): The absence probability bar in MyTime now appears only for absences that are checked against intraday or intraday-with-shrinkage staffing levels. The probability bar does not appear if absences are checked against budget groups or not checked against staffing at all.
Edit skills on the Forecasts page (October 6): Users with the Modify Skill permission can now use the Forecasts page to change a skill’s name, adjust the expected abandon rate, change opening hours, and add or remove queues connected to a skill. The General Audit Trail report tracks these changes.
Remove skills on the Forecasts page (October 6): Users with the Remove Skill permission can now use the Forecasts page to delete a skill. The General Audit Trail report tracks these changes.
Schedule multiple 1:1 meetings with a host at one time (October 6): You can now simultaneously schedule one-on-one sessions for several agents, together with a scheduled host. You can set the frequency and roll out the sessions with an even distribution at times when both the host and participants are available.
Copy/paste meeting participants (October 6): You can now copy and paste a list of meeting participants by names or email addresses. When creating a new meeting, you can import participants who belong to a site or a team by adding a list of names or email addresses separated by semicolons.
New WFM APIs (October 6): We have made the WFM APIs generally available. These new APIs allow third-party developers to import, export, and interact with Provider WFM data using external applications. The APIs cover scheduling, people, and forecasting use cases, and we plan to add more functionality in the future. These APIs are easier to use and develop against and have more accessible and intuitive documentation than our legacy SOAP APIs. Documentation is available in each customer environment at [CUSTOMERURL]/api/docs/index.html. To access this site, you must first create a WFM user with appropriate permissions and sign in as that user. After signing in, go to User Settings and add a Personal Access Token specific for one integration.
Improved intraday staffing check for asynchronous skills (October 6): Workforce Optimization is smarter about granting or denying overtime, absence, and self-scheduling requests that involve asynchronous skills like email or back-office work. It now considers several days back to reflect the impact of tasks incoming on previous days.
More alternative suggestions for agents whose requests are denied (October 6): When an agent requests an absence for a date that is not open for requests, the denial message offers them multiple open periods instead of only one.
Teams page shows absences added outside of shifts (October 6): Absences that are added outside of shift hours now also appear on the Teams page, showing as a marker and a tooltip on the shift category.
Improved Task Manager page (October 1): The newly refactored Task Manager page is now faster and more efficient and features a clean, updated interface.
NOTE The new version of the page is currently available to customers in Provider’s US East and US West regions only. People in these regions can move back and forth between the new page and the classic page for a limited time.
Data Explorer
periodShiftValue function (October 12): With this new function, you can create formulas that compute values for time ranges which are relative to a Time filter in the current query. The function looks up the current filter time range for the specified Time subject or property, computes an adjusted time range from the start of this range using the provided period name/offset/nPeriods arguments, and uses this to evaluate the value expression (instead of the original query time filter).
Resolved issues
These tables list the issues that we fixed in each release in October. The most recent release is first.
October 26 (build 957)
Issue | Component | Subcomponent | Issue Description |
72507 |
QM |
Application UI |
Fixed an issue with how time zones are reported for the “Date Evaluated” and “Date Responded” fields in CSV file exports. |
October 19 (build 955)
Issue | Component | Subcomponent | Issue Description |
72422 |
QM |
Live Monitoring |
Logs indicated that some agents had multiple open live monitoring sessions. |
72465 |
QM |
Retention |
The Settings section of the Retention page displayed the text “undefined, undefined.” |
70113 |
QM |
Screen Recording Uploads |
Fixed an issue that prevented screen recordings from uploading when the duration was improperly set. |
October 12 (build 954)
Issue | Component | Subcomponent | Issue Description |
70883 |
Data Explorer |
Dashboards |
When users first opened a dashboard, it would use the default filters taken from the first report that was added to the dashboard. However, when users refreshed a dashboard (for example, after drilling into a report and clicking Return to Dashboard), it would use the default filter from the first report bound in the parameter bindings. |
October 6 (WFM v. 647.201)
Issue | Component | Subcomponent | Issue Description |
54923 |
Analytics |
A person set to be deleted was not removed from the analytics database. |
38751 |
Gamification |
Badge recalculation was not working. |
44195 |
Meetings |
If a user clicked Save before Meetings was finished loading, conflict error messages would not always appear. |
42747 |
Meetings |
Users could not schedule meetings that started or ended on 15-minute intervals in PM hours. |
44293 |
Meetings |
Meetings would not sync to the schedule if a participant left during a recurring period. |
68727 |
MyTime |
Screen readers could not correctly interpret activities in MyTime. |
69884 |
MyTime |
The new UI for absences worked only for agents who had self-scheduling permissions. |
70575 |
Permissions |
Users were able to access pages that were removed from the product access key. |
56529 |
Real-Time Adherence |
In some cases, the adherence view would switch between old and new schedules. |
34598 |
Real-Time Adherence |
Schedules for new agents were not appearing on the Adherence page. |
70748 |
Reports |
A custom report would not load in the new report selection format. |
70201 |
Requests |
Shift trade requests from the mobile day view would not load. |
54461 |
Requests |
Users encountered problems when planning personal activities that were scheduled for the date of the Daylight Saving Time change. |
54922 |
Requests |
Agents could not cancel adjacent part-day absence requests. |
70353 |
Requests |
Overtime on a full-day absence was scheduled as an absence, not an activity. |
28494 |
Staffing |
BPO Exchange was not included in the New WFM product access key. |
46981 |
Windows Client |
Users attempting to add identity logins were seeing an incorrect message saying that someone else had already made changes. |
60994 |
Windows Client |
If a user used cut/paste special, absences would sometimes not paste. |
73043 |
Windows Client |
Agents could not be scheduled in some cases. |
55048 |
Windows Client |
Users could not schedule overtime if a recurring meeting was scheduled for an agent’s day off. |
46141 |
Windows Client |
If an absence overlapped with overtime, users encountered an error when running the standard payroll time export. |
October 5 (build 953)
Issue | Component | Subcomponent | Issue Description |
70886 |
QM |
After-Call Surveys |
Workflows configured to delete contacts were not deleting contacts associated with after-call surveys. |
44070 |
QM |
Media Player |
Users were seeing the error message, “ERROR Unable to retrieve audio energy data” if they clicked Play on a contact was pending a screen recording upload, but the audio would still play despite the error message. |
74451 |
QM |
Screen Recordings |
Fixed a problem with screen-only INI files that prevented screen recordings from uploading. |