Here’s what happened in Workforce Optimization in November 2021.
Product features and enhancements
We added these new features and enhancements to Workforce Optimization in November 2021.
API returning forecast and staffing per skill (November 30, v. 652.150): Exposes an endpoint on the API where external apps can query forecast coverage numbers for one or more skills. The numbers are the same as in the Staffing web page.
Refresh Schedules to display changes done in other parts of WFM (November 30, v. 652.150): A refresh button has been added in order to update the Schedules view to include changes done in other parts of WFM while still keeping your filters intact. The button lights up to notify you when a reload of data is needed.
Extra attributes added to /query/Absence/AllAbsences API (November 25, v. 651.185): New attributes called in-contract time, tracker type, and IsDeleted have been added. The API now takes a new optional filter parameter to decide to display only active absences (default) or all absences including deleted ones.
Get optional column value for a person with APIs (November 25, v. 651.185): You can now retrieve the optional column values for people within the organization with APIs. This is done by sending in an optional parameter to include OptionalColumns for the various query/person methods.
Get current Employee defaults with APIs (November 25, v. 651.185): With /query/EmployeeDefaults/GetEmployeeDefaults you can now retrieve the default settings for Employee import. Employee defaults for Site/Team, Contract, Contract schedule, Part-time percentage, and Work week start are set within the System settings in WFM. These will be used when adding new employees with /command/AddPerson, unless another value is given.
IsDeleted attribute in /query/Activity/AllActivities API (November 19, v. 651.124): This API now returns IsDeleted. The API takes a new optional filter parameter to decide whether to display only active activities (default) or all activities including deleted ones.
Move entire shift (November 19, v. 651.124): You can now move an entire shift on the Schedules page. Drag and drop a single agent’s shift, or use the Move Shift action to enter a new start time for several agents at the same time. You need the Web/Schedules/Move Shift permission to use this feature.
More details in the ForecastBySkill API (November 10, v. 650.476): The API /query/Forecast/ForecastBySkill now returns tasks, average task time, and average after-task time for each interval. You can also retrieve the forecast for a skill in a specific scenario by sending an optional Scenario ID.
“Updated by” column added to Requests page (November 3): The “Updated by” column lets you view and sort by the person who made the last update to an absence, shift trade, or overtime request. This update makes it easy to investigate who granted or denied a request.
Set Shrinkage for a skill with API (November 3): Third-party applications can now set shrinkage for a skill with the new API /command/SetShrinkage.
New login flow for the admin client (November 3): You now log in to the admin client in your default browser. After logging in, you can return to the client. This update provides increased security and aligns with current security best practices.
Get persons by skill or skill group (November 3): You can now get person by skill and by skill group from the API, using the PeopleByGroupPageGroup, PeopleBySkillGroup, or AllSkillGroups commands.
“WFM System” appears as the user for automatically approved or denied requests (November 3): When a request is automatically approved or denied, “WFM System” appears as the user who updated the request. This update appears on the Requests page, in the Schedule Audit Trail report, and in schedule history. “WFM System” replaces earlier mentions of “System System” as the approver.
Fetch many persons at the same time using API (November 3): You can now fetch details about multiple people with the API using /query/Person/PeopleByIdentities.
Manage requests on the Requests page only (November 3): Supervisors can now manage requests only on the Requests page. This page offers improved functionality and flexibility to manage all types of agent requests. The Requests button in the client’s Schedules module now sends you to the Request page. Please contact Provider Support if this change causes any issues for your operation.
Improved Phrase Manager page (November 5): The newly refactored Phrase Manager page is now faster and more efficient and features a clean, updated interface.
NOTE The new version of this page is currently available to customers in Provider’s US East and US West regions only. People in these regions can move back and forth between the new page and the classic page for a limited time.
Data Explorer
Real-time adherence data set (November 4): You can now create reports with these measures: adherence, in adherence, in neutral adherence, out of adherence, late for work, late for work count, and time in shift.
Adherence in agent and supervisor dashboards (November 4): The agent and supervisor dashboards now include an adherence report instead of the previous ready time adherence report.
Resolved issues
These tables list the issues that we fixed in each release in November. The most recent release is first.
November 30 (build 963, WFM v. 652.150 )
Issue | Component | Subcomponent | Issue Description |
91758 |
QM |
Recording Settings |
Fixed an issue for VPN users and chunk recording that caused recording settings to use the default behavior. |
83383 |
MyTime |
Agents could move a break to the end of a shift when there was personal activity outside the shift. |
98229 |
Windows Client |
Wrong heading for Find in People |
November 25 (WFM v. 651.185)
Issue |
Component |
Subcomponent |
Issue Description |
99924 |
MyTime |
The overtime request probability bar was not shown correctly. |
98945 |
Requests |
Absence requests were denied due to technical issues involving short requests not spanning a whole interval. |
43651 |
Requests |
Shift Trades were denied due to max continuous work time when there is full day absence on contract day off. |
99124 |
Windows Client |
An issue saving forecasts in one specific case was fixed. |
85425 |
Windows Client |
Users could not block a schedule (schedule period, same shift) when an agent had one skill open until 1:00 AM Monday-Saturday. |
November 22 (WFM v. 651.139)
Issue | Component | Subcomponent | Issue Description |
99746 |
MyTime |
Full-day absence requests that agents created from the new absence requests view were being added to the previous day. |
November 19 (WFM v. 651.124)
Issue | Component | Subcomponent | Issue Description |
98385 |
Meetings |
Users could not manually add a meeting time if the date format was Finnish. |
95623 |
Requests |
Agents could not edit some pending absence requests that Workforce Optimization had already handled. |
98821 |
Absence imports could not replace new full-day absences. |
November 17 (WFM v. 650.658)
Issue | Component | Subcomponent | Issue Description |
95514 |
MyTime |
The week view did not show overtime probability to agents. |
98480 |
People |
Login values were out of sync, preventing some agents from logging in or resetting their passwords. |
86220 |
Reports |
The new way to select a report was taking longer than the old way. |
99115 |
Reports |
The General Audit Trail Report showed a change of identity as made by an agent. |
98493 |
The GetPayrollExportByQuery was timing out before completing. |
November 16 (build 961)
Issue | Component | Subcomponent | Issue Description |
70879 |
QM |
Data Server Logs |
If a user specified a date range as part of a data server log request, the log file would be blank. |
40311 |
QM |
Evaluation Form Manager |
The Evaluation Form Manager page was blank for users whose computers had the Chinese Windows operating system. |
86238 |
QM |
Legacy Reports |
If a user experted a report with data that contained commas (for example, an evaluation question) to a CSV, Workforce Optimization would separate this data into different columns. |
November 10 (WFM v. 650.476)
Issue | Component | Subcomponent | Issue Description |
84427 | WFM | MyTime |
The self scheduling pen was disabled in some cases. |
96822 | WFM | Requests |
If users were using the dark theme, the text in requests was hard to read. |
96720 | WFM | Windows Client |
In one case, users encountered an error when copy/pasting in the People module. |
November 9 (build 960)
Issue | Component | Subcomponent | Issue Description |
37632 |
Analytics |
Predictive Evaluation Scores |
Predictive evaluation scoring stopped running for some customers. |
70971 |
Data Explorer |
Filters |
Absolute time range filters were not working correctly for timezones with an offset from Greenwich Mean Time of +12 or greater. |
86157 |
QM |
Live Monitoring |
Fixed an issue that occurs when multiple people are monitoring the same agent at the same time. |
November 3 (WFM v. 650.307)
Issue | Component | Subcomponent | Issue Description |
85428 |
Forecasts |
Users could not export forecasts for skills open across midnight for dates around the Daylight Saving Time change. |
91739 |
General |
Signing in to Windows Virtual Desktop was not working in some cases. |
83362 |
Intraday |
Staffing data was sometimes slow to load on the Intraday page. |
86656 |
Meetings |
Users encountered an error when removing meetings from secondary business units. |
87647 |
Meetings |
Users encountered an error when moving meetings outside of shift hours. |
84923 |
MyTime |
The timeline in the new overtime request view showed one hour off on the Daylight Saving Time change date. |
86341 |
People |
The list of sites and teams was not sorted when users set a new team. |
79944 |
Real-Time Adherence |
There was a UI issue with the adherence bar. |
85716 |
Reports |
The wrong date appeared in reports if users entered the date manually. |
85417 |
Requests |
Users could not cancel all validated absence requests on adjacent days. |
84927 |
Requests |
The view allowance feature was showing less leave than actual. |
72463 |
Teams |
Partial absences were turning into full-day absences. |
83908 |
Windows Client |
An error occurred in the client if a multisite main skill was deleted from the Forecasts page. |
84929 |
Windows Client |
There was an error with overnight shifts and rotations at the spring Daylight Saving Time change. |
83931 |
Windows Client |
Rotations were not being scheduled during the spring Daylight Saving Time change. |
83555 |
Windows Client |
The option when optimizing schedules would reset back to 12:00 AM from 12:00 AM +1. |
November 2 (build 959)
Issue | Component | Subcomponent | Issue Description |
48563 |
QM |
Recordings |
If users searched for an agent who was within their scope but who was in a team or group that the user did not have scope over at the time of the contact, the user could see (but not play) recordings for that agent. This fix removes recordings for these out-of-scope groups and teams from the user’s view. |
33946 |
QM |
Recordings Filters |
The Time Range filter was not returning all contacts for the selected time from the past year. This fix makes Time Range an optional filter instead of a required filter. To use Time Range, you must also use one of the required filters. |
83912 |
QM |
Screen Retention |
Screen recordings were not being deleted per the retention settings. |