Adjust agent schedules


For all adjustments, start by hovering over WFM in the top menu and clicking Schedules.

NOTE   Your ability to adjust agent schedules depends on how your WFM account was set up. Ask your WFM administrator if you have questions about what you can adjust.

Add an activity

Your company has a new sloth-grooming project that you need to assign to some of your agents. Follow these steps to take the agents off the contact queue for an hour. These steps also work if you need to schedule a meeting.

  1. Select the agent. Their schedule is outlined.

    NOTE   To have multiple agents work on the activity at the same time, select the agents in this step. To have the agents work on the activity at different times, select a single agent and repeat these steps for each one.

  2. Select Add activity or Add personal activity from the Add activity drop-down list.

    NOTE   Activities are attached to a schedule, but personal activities are attached to an agent. If two agents trade shifts, their activities are included in the trade, but their personal activities aren’t part of the trade. To let the activity move to another person if agents trade shifts, select Add activity. To make sure that a specific person does the activity, select Add personal activity.

  3. Select the activity type from the next drop-down list.

  4. Select the start and end time for the activity.
  5. Click Save. The activity appears on the agent’s schedule.

Move an activity

Coverage is looking a little thin today, but you can fix that with a few tweaks. You can move an agent’s break, lunch, or other activity earlier or later in the day.

  1. Click the activity you want to move. The activity is outlined.
  2. Drag the activity to its new time.

Add an absence

An agent’s llama ran away last night, and they need to track it down and repair their fence today instead of coming in to work. Follow these steps to remove them from today’s schedule.

  1. Select the agent. Their schedule is outlined.

  2. Select Add part day absence or Add full day absence from the Add activity drop-down list.
  3. Select an absence type from the next drop-down list.

  4. (Optional) If the agent will be gone for only part of the day, select the start and end time of their absence. If the agent will be out all day, skip this step.
  5. Click Save. The absence appears on the agent’s schedule.

Delete an activity

You’ve just learned that one of the agents you assigned to the sloth-grooming project is allergic to sloths. Take this activity off their schedule.

  1. Click the activity.
  2. Select Remove activity from the Add activity drop-down list. A confirmation opens.
  3. Click OK. The confirmation window closes, and the activity disappears from the agent’s schedule.