How many calls has each agent recorded today?

Step 1: Add the Contacts measure

  1. On the Data Explorer page, click New Report (upper left corner of the page). The blank report page appears.
  2. Click [measure]. The Select Measure window opens.
  3. Select Contacts.
  4. Click Add. The Measure: Contacts window closes, and the basic report appears. At this point, it looks like this:

    This is the total number of contacts taken since your organization began using Workforce Optimization. This isn’t a very helpful number, but things will start to make more sense in the next step.

Step 2: Group the contacts by agent

In this step, we start dividing your organization’s total number of contacts into meaningful buckets.

  1. Click [grouping]. The Select Grouping window opens.
  2. Select Person.
  3. Click Add. The Grouping: Person window closes, and the report now separates the total number of contacts by person. We’ve shown only the first few rows here; you probably have many more.

Step 3: Limit to today’s contacts

In this step, we eliminate all contacts that were recorded before today.

  1. Click [limit]. The Select Filter window opens.
  2. Click Time.
  3. Select Contact Start Time.
  4. In the Period panel, select Contact Start Time.
  5. Click Add Filter (the + icon). The Select Period window opens.

  6. Select Day of Month.
  7. Click OK. The Select Period window closes.
  8. Select This.

  9. Click Add. The Filter: Contact Start Time window closes. The report now shows a much more manageable number of contacts per agent.

Step 4 (optional): Format the report as a chart

As a final step, let’s change the format so that we can more easily compare the number of calls across agents.

  1. Click View (upper right corner of the page).
  2. Under View Type, select Column.
  3. Under Legend, select None from the Location drop-down list.
  4. Under Data Series Format, select On from the Data Labels drop-down list.

Step 5: Name and save the report

  1. Click Save (upper left corner of the page). The Save Report window opens.
  2. Enter a name for the report.
  3. Click Save. The Save Report window closes, and the report name appears in the upper left corner of the page.